Mac OS X Server
Upgrading and Migrating
For Version 10.4 or Later
Second Edition
About This Guide
What’s in This Guide
Using This Guide
Using Onscreen Help
The Mac OS X Server Suite
Getting Documentation Updates
Getting Additional Information
Chapter 1
Before You Begin
Servers From Which You Can Upgrade or Migrate
Upgrading to Version 10.4
Migrating From a Pre-Version 10.4 Server to Version 10.4
Migrating From Windows NT
Saving and Reusing User and Group Accounts
System Accounts
Chapter 2
16 Upgrading an Open Directory Master and Its Replicas
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
32 Understanding What You Can Migrate
33 Tools You Can Use
34 Step-by-Step Instructions
Chapter 5
47 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
47 Before You Begin
About This Guide
Use this guide when you want to move to Mac OS X Server
version 10.4 from a previous version of the server.
This guide contains instructions for reusing data and settings of previous server
versions. There are two approaches:
 Perform an upgrade installation. This approach leaves all your data and settings in
place and lets you reuse your existing server hardware for Mac OS X Server version
10.4. You can perform an upgrade installation of version 10.3 and version 10.2 servers.
 Manually migrate data and settings. This approach transfers data and settings to a
different computer—one running Mac OS X Server version 10.4. You can migrate data
and settings from server versions 10.3, 10.2, 10.1, 1.2, and AppleShare IP (ASIP) 6.3.3.
What’s in This Guide
This guide includes the following chapters:
 Chapter 1,“Before You Begin,”summarizes upgrade and migration options and
 Chapter 2,“Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.3,”describes how to upgrade the
latest 10.3 version to version 10.4.
 Chapter 3,“Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.2,”describes how to upgrade
version 10.2.8 to version 10.4.
 Chapter 4,“Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3,”describes how to migrate
data from the latest version 10.3 server to a different computer running version 10.4.
 Chapter 5,“Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2,”describes how to migrate
data from a version 10.2.8 server to a different computer running version 10.4.
 Chapter 6,“Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1,”describes how to migrate
data from a version 10.1.4 or 10.1.5 server to a different computer running version 10.4.
 Chapter 7,“Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 1.2,”describes how to migrate
data from a version 1.2 server to a different computer running version 10.4.
 Chapter 8,“Migrating From Appleshare IP,”describes how to migrate data from an
ASIP 6.3.3 server to a different computer running version 10.4.
Using This Guide
Using this guide is easy. Simply read chapter 1 to make sure you understand all your
options. Then turn to the chapter that addresses your upgrade or migration scenario.
You’ll find step-by-step instructions for preserving and reusing server data by using
various tools and manual techniques. You’ll also find references to instructions and
supplemental information in other guides in the server suite; the next page tells you
about the documents in the suite and where to find them.
Using Onscreen Help
You can view instructions and other useful information from this and other documents
in the server suite by using onscreen help.
On a computer running Mac OS X Server, you can access onscreen help after opening
Workgroup Manager or Server Admin. From the Help menu, select one of the options:
 Workgroup Manager Help or Server Admin Help displays information about the
 Mac OS X Server Help displays the main server help page, from which you can search
or browse for server information.
can download server documentation.
You can also access onscreen help from the Finder or other applications on a server or
on an administrator computer. (An administrator computer is a Mac OS X computer
with server administration software installed on it.) Use the Help menu to open Help
Viewer, then choose Library > Mac OS X Server Help.
To see the latest server help topics, make sure the server or administrator computer is
connected to the Internet while you’re using Help Viewer. Help Viewer automatically
retrieves and caches the latest server help topics from the Internet. When not
connected to the Internet, Help Viewer displays cached help topics.
Preface About This Guide
The Mac OS X Server Suite
The Mac OS X Server documentation includes a suite of guides that explain the services
and provide instructions for configuring, managing, and troubleshooting the services.
All of the guides are available in PDF format from:
This guide ...
tells you how to:
Getting Started, Getting Started
Supplement, and Mac OS X Server
Install Mac OS X Server and set it up for the first time.
Collaboration Services
Set up and manage weblog, chat, and other services that facilitate
interactions among users.
Command-line Administration
Use commands and configuration files to perform server
administration tasks in a UNIX command shell.
Deploying Mac OS X Computers
for K-12 Education
Configure and deploy Mac OS X Server and a set of Mac OS X
computers for use by K-12 staff, teachers, and students.
Deploying Mac OS X Server for
High Performance Computing
Set up and manage Mac OS X Server and Apple cluster computers
to speed up processing of complex computations.
File Services Administration
Share selected server volumes or folders among server clients
using these protocols: AFP, NFS, FTP, and SMB/CIFS.
High Availability Administration
Manage IP failover, link aggregation, load balancing, and other
hardware and software configurations to ensure high availability of
Mac OS X Server services.
Java Application Server Guide
Configure and administer a JBoss application server on Mac OS X
Mac OS X Security Configuration Secure Mac OS X client computers.
Mac OS X Server Security
Secure Mac OS X Server computers.
Mail Service Administration
Set up, configure, and administer mail services on the server.
Migrating to Mac OS X Server
From Windows NT
Move accounts, shared folders, and services from Windows NT
servers to Mac OS X Server.
Network Services Administration Set up, configure, and administer DHCP, DNS, VPN, NTP, IP firewall,
and NAT services on the server.
Open Directory Administration
Print Service Administration
Manage directory and authentication services.
Host shared printers and manage their associated queues and print
QuickTime Streaming Server 5.5
Set up and manage QuickTime streaming services.
System Imaging and Software
Update Administration
Use NetBoot and Network Install to create disk images from which
Macintosh computers can start up over the network. Set up a
software update server for updating client computers over the
Preface About This Guide
This guide ...
tells you how to:
Upgrading and Migrating
Use data and service settings that are currently being used on
earlier versions of the server software.
User Management
Create and manage user accounts, groups, and computer lists. Set
up managed preferences for Mac OS X clients.
Web Technologies Administration Set up and manage a web server, including WebDAV, WebMail, and
web modules.
Windows Services Administration Set up and manage services including PDC, BDC, file, and print, for
Windows computer users.
Xgrid Administration
Manage computational Xserve clusters using the Xgrid application.
Learn about terms used for server and storage products.
Mac OS X Server Glossary
Getting Documentation Updates
Periodically, Apple posts new onscreen help topics, revised guides, and solution papers.
The new help topics include updates to the latest guides.
 To view new onscreen help topics, make sure your server or administrator computer
is connected to the Internet and click the Late-Breaking News link on the main
Mac OS X Server help page.
 To download the latest guides and solution papers in PDF format, go to the
Getting Additional Information
For more information, consult these resources:
Read Me documents—important updates and special information. Look for them on the
server discs.
product and technology information.
articles from Apple’s support organization.
honing your server administration skills.
knowledge, and advice with other administrators.
communicate with other administrators using email.
Preface About This Guide
Before You Begin
Take a few moments to become familiar with upgrading and
migrating options and requirements.
If you’re using Mac OS X Server version 10.2 or 10.3, you may not need to migrate
server data to a different computer. You might be able to upgrade your server, a process
that installs and sets up Mac OS X Server version 10.4 on your existing server computer
while automatically preserving data and service settings.
Servers From Which You Can Upgrade or Migrate
You can reuse server data and settings with Mac OS X Server version 10.4 by:
 Upgrading server version 10.3.9 or 10.2.8
 Migrating from versions 10.3.9, 10.2.8, 10.1.4 and 10.1.5, and 1.2; and from AppleShare
IP version 6.3.3
 Migrating from Windows NT
Upgrading to Version 10.4
You can upgrade your version 10.3.9 or 10.2.8 server to version 10.4.7 or later if:
 You don’t need to reformat the current computer’s hard disk.
 Your server hardware has:
 A PowerPC G4 or G5 processor.
 Built-in FireWire.
 At least 512 megabytes (MB) of random access memory (RAM)
 At least 10 gigabytes (GB) of disk space available.
If you want to upgrade a version 10.3.9 or 10.2.8 server using a Mac OS X Server version
10.4 installation disc that is version 10.4.6 or earlier, the server computer must have a
PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 processor; built-in FireWire; at least 128 MB of RAM (256 MB or
more required for high-demand servers running multiple services); and at least 4 GB of
disk space available.
When you upgrade a server, you perform an upgrade installation from the server
installation disc on your server computer. Data and settings are automatically
preserved for you, and manual adjustments are minimal. If you’ve been using
Macintosh Manager to manage Mac OS 9 client computers, you can continue to do
so—an option not available when you migrate. See the documentation for your version
10.2 or 10.3 server for Macintosh Manager information.
Even if your existing server meets the minimum requirements for upgrading, you may
want to migrate instead of upgrade. For example, you may be updating some of your
computers and decide that you want to reestablish your server environment on one or
more of the newer computers.
Migrating From a Pre-Version 10.4 Server to Version 10.4
Migrations from Mac OS X Server versions 10.3.9, 10.2.8, 10.1.4 and 10.1.5, and 1.2; and
from AppleShare IP version 6.3.3 are supported. When you migrate, you install and
perform initial setup of Mac OS X Server version 10.4 on a computer, restore files onto
the version 10.4 computer from the pre-10.4 computer, and make manual adjustments
as required. Migrating Macintosh Manager data is not supported.
You’ll need to migrate, not upgrade, to Mac OS X Server version 10.4.7 if:
 Your version 10.2.8 or 10.3.9 server’s hard disk needs reformatting.
 Your version 10.2.8 or 10.3.9 server doesn’t have:
 A PowerPC G4 or G5 processor.
 Built-in FireWire.
 At least 512 megabytes (MB) of random access memory (RAM)
 At least 10 gigabytes (GB) of disk space available.
 You want to move data and settings you’ve been using on a version 10.2.8 or 10.3.9
server to different server hardware.
 The server version you’ve been using is earlier than version 10.2.8.
If you want to migrate using a Mac OS X Server version 10.4 installation disc that is
version 10.4.6 or earlier, your replacement server must have a PowerPC G3, G4, or G5
processor; built-in FireWire; at least 128 MB of RAM (256 MB or more required for high-
demand servers running multiple services); and at least 4 GB of disk space available.
Chapter 1 Before You Begin
Migrating From Windows NT
Mac OS X Server can provide a variety of services to users of Microsoft Windows 95, 98,
ME (Millennium Edition), XP, NT 4, and 2000 computers. By providing these services,
Mac OS X Server can replace Windows NT servers in small workgroups.
The Windows NT migration guide explains how to import users, groups, and computers
from a Microsoft Windows NT server to a Mac OS X Server primary domain controller
(PDC). The Windows NT migration guide also explains how to migrate home directories,
share points, and server configuration information.
Migrating Users and Groups
All versions of Mac OS X Server you can migrate from are supported by tools that help
you move user and group accounts from an existing server to a version 10.4 server.
Saving and Reusing User and Group Accounts
The tool you use to save existing user and group accounts depends on the version of
the server you’re migrating from:
You use
Mac OS X Server version 10.2 and later
Mac OS X Server version 10.1
Mac OS X Server version 1.2
AppleShare IP
Workgroup Manager
Server Admin
AppleShare IP Migration utility or Mac OS Server Admin
All these tools except AppleShare IP Migration write account records to an export file.
To import users and groups from the file into an existing directory for use with version
10.4, you use Workgroup Manager or the dsimporttool in version 10.4.
The AppleShare IP Migration utility preserves existing user and group accounts without
using export files.
Each chapter provides instructions for using these tools as appropriate.
System Accounts
When you install Mac OS X Server, several user and group accounts are created
automatically in the local directory. These predefined accounts are sometimes called
system accounts, because they’re used by the server system software. See the user
management guide for a description of how predefined accounts are used.
Chapter 1 Before You Begin
You can’t change the names or IDs of system accounts. So when you migrate users and
groups, don’t try to do so. However, you can add users during migration to two system
groups—admin and wheel:
 Wheel is a group that gives members almost as much control as root. If you’re a
member of the wheel group, you can use the su(substitute user) command in the
Terminal application to log in to a remote computer as the root user. Use sshto log
in, type su, then supply the root password when prompted.
 The admin group gives members the right to administer Mac OS X Server. Admin
users can use server management applications and install software that requires
administrator privileges.
Here are the predefined user accounts:
Short name
Unprivileged User
System Administrator
System Services
Printing Services
Postfix User
World Wide Web Server
Apple Events User
MySQL Server
sshd Privilege separation
QuickTime Streaming Server
Cyrus IMAP User
Mailman User
Application Server
Clamav User
Amavisd User
Jabber User
Xgrid Controller
Xgrid Agent
Application Owner
Unknown User
Chapter 1 Before You Begin
Here is a list of the predefined group accounts:
Short name
Group ID
Chapter 1 Before You Begin
Chapter 1 Before You Begin
Upgrading Mac OS X Server
Version 10.3
Use the instructions in this chapter to upgrade a version
10.3.9 server to version 10.4.
You can upgrade computers with Mac OS X Server version 10.3.9 that don’t require
hard disk reformatting and that have:
 A PowerPC G4 or G5 processor.
 Built-in FireWire.
 At least 512 megabytes (MB) of random access memory (RAM).
 At least 10 gigabytes (GB) of disk space available.
If you want to upgrade a version 10.3.9 server using a Mac OS X Server version 10.4
installation disc that is version 10.4.6 or earlier, the server computer must have a
PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 processor; built-in FireWire; at least 128 MB of RAM (256 MB or
more required for high-demand servers running multiple services); and at least 4 GB of
disk space available.
Understanding What Can Be Reused
When you upgrade from Mac OS X Server version 10.3.9, virtually all existing data and
settings remain available for use, including Macintosh Manager data and all user
NetBoot images created using version 10.2 and 10.3 can be reused.
In version 10.4, watchdog has been replaced by launchd. To re-enable automatic
hardware restart, use the Energy Saver pane of System Preferences. To migrate settings
for services you added to /etc/watchdog.conf, create a launchd plist file and install it
into /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/. See the man page for launchd.conf for details.
Upgrading an Open Directory Master and Its Replicas
When the server you want to upgrade is an Open Directory master or replica, upgrade
the master then upgrade the replicas.
To upgrade the master and its replicas:
1 Upgrade the master to version 10.4 following the instructions later in this chapter.
While you’re upgrading the master, client computers won’t be able to connect to it for
Open Directory services. Clients may experience a delay while automatically finding the
nearest Open Directory replica server.
You can eliminate this delay by changing the DHCP service to use the address of an
Open Directory replica server if the server provides clients with an LDAP server address.
When the master upgrade is complete, you can change the DHCP service to use the
address of the master.
The Network services administration guide provides instructions for configuring LDAP
settings in DHCP service.
2 Upgrade each replica server to version 10.4.
3 Using Server Admin, connect to each replica server and reestablish the replicas.
For information about resetting passwords in the master, see “Directory Services”on
page 21.
Step-by-Step Instructions
To upgrade a version 10.3.9 server to version 10.4, follow the instructions in this section.
1 Update your server
2 Perform an upgrade
to version 10.3.9.
installation to version 10.4.
3 Make adjustments as needed
after initial server setup.
Chapter 2 Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Step 1: Update your server to version 10.3.9
Use Software Update, if necessary, to update your server to version 10.3.9.
Step 2: Perform an upgrade installation to version 10.4
You can use the version 10.4 installation disc to perform the upgrade installation locally
on your server computer if it has a display, keyboard, and optical drive attached.
After the upgrade installation is complete, the computer restarts and Server Assistant
leads you through initial server setup. Your existing settings are displayed, and you can
change them if you like.
To upgrade to version 10.4 and perform initial server setup locally:
1 Make sure that any DHCP or DNS servers your server depends on are running.
2 Turn on the computer and insert the installation disc into the optical drive.
3 Restart the computer while holding down the C key on the keyboard. The computer
boots from the installation disc. You can release the C key when you see the Apple
4 When the Installer opens, proceed through its panes by following the onscreen
instructions. In the Select a Destination pane, be sure to select the disk or partition on
which version 10.3.9 is installed. Click Options, and select“Don’t erase.”Click OK.
5 During installation, progress information is displayed.
If you’re using installation CDs (not available for version 10.4.7 or later), insert the next
installation disc when prompted.
6 After installation is complete, the computer restarts automatically and Server Assistant
opens so you can perform initial server setup.
Move through the Assistant’s panes, following the onscreen instructions. Your existing
settings are displayed in the panes, but you can change them if you like.
Unless you have a site license, you’ll need to enter a unique server software serial
number for each server you upgrade. You’ll find the number printed on the materials
provided with the server software package. If you have a site license, a registered
owner name and organization must be entered exactly as specified by your Apple
When you use the Directory Usage pane, it’s best to select“No change”in the server’s
directory setup. After setup is complete, you can make adjustments if necessary,
following instructions in the Open Directory administration guide.
You can’t enable or disable mail service or WebDAV service in the Services pane.
If either service is running when you upgrade, it will be running afterwards. If either
service is stopped when you upgrade, it will be stopped afterwards.
To enable or disable mail service or WebDAV service, use Server Admin after initial
server setup is complete.
Chapter 2 Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
7 After all setup data has been entered, Server Assistant displays a summary of the data.
Review the setup data, optionally clicking Go Back to change it.
8 To initiate setup of the server, click Apply.
When server setup is complete, click Restart Now.
To upgrade to version 10.4 and perform initial server setup remotely:
1 Make sure that any DHCP or DNS servers your server depends on are running.
2 Start the computer from the installation disc. The procedure you use depends on
whether the target server has an optical drive that can read your installation disc. If you
have an installation DVD, the optical drive must be able to read DVD discs.
If the target server has a keyboard and an optical drive that can read your installation
disc, insert the installation disc into the optical drive. Then hold down the C key on the
keyboard while restarting the computer.
If the target server is an Xserve with a built-in optical drive that can read your
installation disc, start the server using the installation disc by following the instructions
in the Xserve User’s Guide for starting from a system disc.
If the target server lacks a built-in optical drive that can read your installation disc, you
can start it in target disk mode and insert the installation disc into the optical drive on
your administrator computer. You can also use an external FireWire optical drive. If the
target server is an Xserve, you can move its drive module to another Xserve system that
has an optical drive capable of reading your installation disc. Instructions for using
target disk mode and external optical drives are in the Quick Start guide, Getting
Started guide, or User’s Guide that came with your Xserve system or Macintosh
3 On an administrator computer, navigate to /Applications/Server/ and open Server
Assistant (you don’t have to be an administrator on the local computer to use Server
Assistant). Select“Install software on a remote server.”
4 Identify the server you want to upgrade.
If it’s on the local subnet, select it in the list.
Otherwise, click“Server at IP Address”and enter an IP address in IPv4 format
5 When prompted for a password, type the first 8 digits of the server’s built-in hardware
serial number. To find a server’s serial number, look for a label on the server.
6 Proceed by following the onscreen instructions.
7 When the Volumes pane appears, select a target disk or volume (partition) and click
Continue. Click Options and select“Don’t erase.”Click OK.
Chapter 2 Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
8 During installation, progress information is displayed.
If you’re using installation CDs (not available for version 10.4.7 or later), insert the next
installation disc when prompted.
9 After installation is complete, the computer restarts automatically, and then Server
Assistant opens and displays a Welcome pane. To initiate server setup, select“Set up a
remote server”and click Continue.
10 In the Destination pane, put a check in the Apply column for the server you’re
upgrading, then type its preset password in the Password field and click Continue to
connect to the server.
If you don’t see the server in the list, click Add to add it or Refresh to determine
whether it’s available.
11 Move through the Assistant’s panes, following the onscreen instructions. Your existing
settings are displayed in the panes, but you can change them if you like.
Unless you have a site license, you’ll need to enter a unique server software serial
number for each server you upgrade. You’ll find the number printed on the materials
provided with the server software package. If you have a site license, a registered
owner name and organization must be entered exactly as specified by your Apple
When you use the Directory Usage pane, it’s safest to select“No change”in the server’s
directory setup. After setup is complete, you can make adjustments if necessary,
following instructions in the Open Directory administration guide.
You can’t enable or disable mail service or WebDAV service in the Services pane.
If either service is running when you upgrade, it will be running afterwards. If either
service is stopped when you upgrade, it will be stopped afterwards.
To enable or disable mail service or WebDAV service, use Server Admin after initial
server setup is complete.
12 After all setup data has been entered, Server Assistant displays a summary of the data.
Review the setup data, optionally clicking Go Back to change it.
13 To initiate setup of the server, click Apply.
When server setup is complete, click Restart Now.
Chapter 2 Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Step 3: Make Adjustments as needed after initial server setup
Now you can use Workgroup Manager, Server Admin, Terminal, and other applications
to refine your server’s settings and take advantage of new version 10.4 features.
See the administration guide for individual services for an explanation of new and
changed features. Following are a few suggestions of particular interest.
Restore httpd.conf to the previous version (httpd.conf.AppleSaved), or include the
following line in the new httpd.conf file:
Include /System/Library/WebObjects/Adaptors/Apache/apache.conf
If you didn’t install Java 1.4.2 on your version 10.3.9 server, WebObjects application
projects need to be manually updated to use the version of the Java Virtual Machine
(VM) included with version 10.4.
To update a WebObjects project:
1 Open the project in Xcode.
2 In the Expert View for the main target’s settings, change the property value for
Note: JavaMonitor and wotaskd (WebObjects Task Daemon) services are now managed
by launchd and can be accessed through the Server Admin application. If the server
you’re upgrading has the startup item /System/Library/StartupItems/WebObjects, you
can ignore it. It’s disabled by default and isn’t necessary for autostarting WebObjects
services with Mac OS X Server v10.4. See the web technologies administration guide for
more information.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates
Use Server Admin to import any existing SSL certificates you want to continue to use
for LDAP, mail, or Web services.
To import an SSL certificate:
1 Open Server Admin.
2 Select Open Directory, Web, or Mail in the Computers & Services list for the upgraded
3 Click Settings. See the administration guides for Open Directory, mail service, and web
technologies for information about how to import related SSL certificates.
Using Server Admin, you can create a self-signed certificate and generate a Certificate
Signing Request (CSR) to obtain an SSL certificate from an issuing authority and install
the certificate. The mail services administration guide tells you how.
Chapter 2 Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
If you want groups to use new version 10.4 features such as nesting and stricter
membership checking, upgrade group records using Workgroup Manager.
To upgrade a group record:
1 Open Workgroup Manager.
2 Open the directory that contains the groups of interest.
3 Select one or more groups and click“Upgrade legacy group.”
4 Click Save.
Directory Services
After upgrading, you may want to convert a shared NetInfo directory to LDAP. See the
Open Directory administration guide for details about the advantages of using LDAP
and how to use Server Admin to conduct the conversion.
You can also convert to Open Directory authentication from a different authentication
strategy. For example, if any of the users in your upgraded server are configured to be
authenticated using Authentication Manager, you can change their settings to Open
Directory authentication. Authentication options and instructions appear in the Open
Directory administration guide.
If you want to enable Kerberos for an Open Directory master on which it’s not enabled,
you can use the following command, which maintains existing passwords and adds
them to a new KDC.
slapconfig -kerberize
If you have user accounts with crypt passwords and you don’t Kerberize them using the
command above, you can use Workgroup Manager or the NeST command to use an
Open Directory password:
 To use Workgroup Manager, open the application and access the directory in which
the user account resides. Authenticate as domain administrator, then select a user
with a crypt password. Click Advanced, choose Open Directory from the User
Password Type pop-up menu, click Basic, specify a new password, and click Save.
 To use the NeST tool, open the Terminal application and type:
NeST -convertuser <user-name> <domain-administrator-name>
For more information about NeSTand slapconfig, see their man pages.
NetBoot Images
NetBoot images created using version 10.2 and 10.3 can be reused following the
upgrade installation.
To manage Netboot images, you use System Image Utility, which replaces Network
Image Utility during the upgrade installation.
Chapter 2 Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Print Service
The upgrade process matches the old configuration with existing print queues
and applies the settings to the new configuration, which is stored in
The upgrade results are logged in /Library/Logs/PrintService/PrintService.admin.log.
If the server has a legacy (NetInfo-based) print service configuration that hasn’t been
upgraded, the log file contains a report of the upgraded items. Most of the log file
entries reflect the inherent differences between the version 10.4 print architecture
(Common UNIX Printing System, or CUPS) and the legacy printing architecture.
Open Directory Upgrade Log
Information about upgrading the Open Directory LDAP server is stored in:
Web Service
If you’ve modified /etc/httpd/, reapply your changes to the version
of the file that’s installed with server version 10.4. The version 10.4
file has a new entry for Weblog service.
Macintosh Manager
If you’ve been using Macintosh Manager, you can continue to do so.
To start Macintosh Manager
1 Open Server Admin.
2 Select the upgraded server in the Computers & Services list, connecting to it if
3 Click Settings, then click General.
4 Under Protocols, enable Macintosh Manager.
5 Click Save.
Chapter 2 Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Upgrading Mac OS X Server
Version 10.2
Use the instructions in this chapter to upgrade a version
10.2.8 server to version 10.4.
You can upgrade computers with Mac OS X Server version 10.2.8 that don’t require
hard disk reformatting and that have:
 A PowerPC G4 or G5 processor.
 Built-in FireWire.
 At least 512 megabytes (MB) of random access memory (RAM).
 At least 10 gigabytes (GB) of disk space available.
If you want to upgrade a version 10.2.8 server using a Mac OS X Server version 10.4
installation disc that is version 10.4.6 or earlier, the server computer must have a
PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 processor; built-in FireWire; at least 128 MB of RAM (256 MB or
more required for high-demand servers running multiple services); and at least 4 GB of
disk space available.
Understanding What Can Be Reused
When you upgrade from Mac OS X Server version 10.2.8, virtually all existing data and
settings remain available for use, including Macintosh Manager data and all user
NetBoot images created using version 10.2 can be reused.
In version 10.4, watchdog has been replaced by launchd. To re-enable automatic
hardware restart, use the Energy Saver pane of System Preferences. To migrate settings
for services you added to /etc/watchdog.conf, create a launchd plist file and install it
into /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/. See the man page for launchd.conf for details.
Step-by-Step Instructions
To upgrade a version 10.2.8 server to version 10.4, follow the instructions in this section.
1 Update your server
2 Perform an upgrade
to version 10.2.8.
installation to version 10.4.
3 Make adjustments as needed
after initial server setup.
Step 1: Update your server to version 10.2.8
Use Software Update if necessary to update your server to version 10.2.8.
Step 2: Perform an upgrade installation to version 10.4
You can use the version 10.4 installation discs to perform the upgrade installation
locally on your server computer if it has a display, keyboard, and optical drive attached.
Alternatively, you can perform the upgrade remotely from an administrator computer;
the getting started guide tells you how to set up an administrator computer.
After the upgrade installation is complete, the computer restarts and Server Assistant
leads you through initial server setup. Your existing settings are displayed, and you can
change them if you like.
To upgrade to version 10.4 and perform initial server setup locally:
1 Make sure that any DHCP or DNS servers your server depends on are running.
2 Turn on the computer and insert the installation disc into the optical drive.
3 Restart the computer while holding down the C key on the keyboard. The computer
boots from the installation disc. You can release the C key when you see the Apple
4 When the Installer opens, proceed through its panes by following the onscreen
instructions. In the Select a Destination pane, be sure to select the disk or partition on
which version 10.2.8 is installed. Click Options, and select“Don’t erase.”Click OK.
Chapter 3 Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
5 During installation, progress information is displayed.
If you’re using installation CDs (not available for version 10.4.7 or later), insert the next
installation disc when prompted.
6 After installation is complete, the computer restarts automatically and Server Assistant
opens so you can perform initial server setup.
Move through the Assistant’s panes, following the onscreen instructions. Your existing
settings are displayed in the panes, but you can change them if you like.
Unless you have a site license, you’ll need to enter a unique server software serial
number for each server you upgrade. You’ll find the number printed on the materials
provided with the server software package. If you have a site license, a registered
owner name and organization must be entered exactly as specified by your Apple
When you use the Directory Usage pane, it’s best to select“No change”in the server’s
directory setup. After setup is complete, you can make adjustments if necessary,
following instructions in the Open Directory administration guide.
You can’t enable or disable mail service or WebDAV service in the Services pane.
If either service is running when you upgrade, it will be running afterwards. If either
service is stopped when you upgrade, it will be stopped afterwards.
To enable or disable mail service or WebDAV service, use Server Admin after initial
server setup is complete.
7 After all setup data has been entered, Server Assistant displays a summary of the data.
Review the setup data, optionally clicking Go Back to change it.
8 To initiate setup of the server, click Apply.
When server setup is complete, click Restart Now.
To upgrade to version 10.4 and perform initial server setup remotely:
1 Make sure that any DHCP or DNS servers your server depends on are running.
2 Start the computer from the installation disc. The procedure you use depends on
whether the target server has an optical drive that can read your installation disc. If you
have an installation DVD, the optical drive must be able to read DVD discs.
If the target server has a keyboard and an optical drive that can read your installation
disc, insert the installation disc into the optical drive. Then hold down the C key on the
keyboard while restarting the computer.
If the target server is an Xserve with a built-in optical drive that can read your
installation disc, start the server using the installation disc by following the instructions
in the Xserve User’s Guide for starting from a system disc.
Chapter 3 Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
If the target server lacks a built-in optical drive that can read your installation disc, you
can start it in target disk mode and insert the installation disc into the optical drive on
your administrator computer. You can also use an external FireWire optical drive. If the
target server is an Xserve, you can move its drive module to another Xserve system that
has an optical drive capable of reading your installation disc. Instructions for using
target disk mode and external optical drives are in the Quick Start guide, Getting
Started guide, or User’s Guide that came with your Xserve system or Macintosh
3 On an administrator computer, navigate to /Applications/Server/ and open Server
Assistant (you don’t have to be an administrator on the local computer to use Server
Assistant). Select“Install software on a remote server.”
4 Identify the server you want to upgrade.
If it’s on the local subnet, select it in the list.
Otherwise, click“Server at IP Address”and enter an IP address in IPv4 format
5 When prompted for a password, type the first 8 digits of the server’s built-in hardware
serial number. To find a server’s serial number, look for a label on the server.
6 Proceed by following the onscreen instructions.
7 When the Volumes pane appears, select a target disk or volume (partition) and click
Continue. Click Options and select“Don’t erase.”Click OK.
8 During installation, progress information is displayed. Insert the next installation disc if
9 After installation is complete, the computer restarts automatically, and then Server
Assistant opens and displays a Welcome pane. To initiate server setup, select“Set up a
remote server”and click Continue.
10 In the Destination pane, put a check in the Apply column for the server you’re
upgrading, then type its preset password in the Password field and click Continue to
connect to the server.
If you don’t see the server in the list, click Add to add it or Refresh to determine
whether it’s available.
Chapter 3 Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
11 Move through the Assistant’s panes, following the onscreen instructions. Your existing
settings are displayed in the panes, but you can change them if you like.
Unless you have a site license, you’ll need to enter a unique server software serial
number for each server you upgrade. You’ll find the number printed on the materials
provided with the server software package. If you have a site license, a registered
owner name and organization must be entered exactly as specified by your Apple
When you use the Directory Usage pane, it’s safest to select“No change”in the server’s
directory setup. After setup is complete, you can make adjustments if necessary,
following instructions in the Open Directory administration guide.
You can’t enable or disable mail service or WebDAV service in the Services pane.
If either service is running when you upgrade, it will be running afterwards. If either
service is stopped when you upgrade, it will be stopped afterwards.
To enable or disable mail service or WebDAV service, use Server Admin after initial
server setup is complete.
12 After all setup data has been entered, Server Assistant displays a summary of the data.
Review the setup data, optionally clicking Go Back to change it.
13 To initiate setup of the server, click Apply.
When server setup is complete, click Restart Now.
Step 3: Make Adjustments as needed after initial server setup
Now you can use Workgroup Manager, Server Admin, Terminal, and other applications
to refine your server’s settings and take advantage of new version 10.4 features.
See the administration guide for individual services for an explanation of new and
changed features. Following are a few suggestions of particular interest.
Restore httpd.conf to the previous version (httpd.conf.AppleSaved) or include the
following line in the new httpd.conf file:
Include /System/Library/WebObjects/Adaptors/Apache/apache.conf
In addition, update WebObjects application projects to use the version of the Java
Virtual Machine (VM) included with version 10.4.
Chapter 3 Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
To update a WebObjects project:
1 Open the project in Xcode.
2 In the Expert View for the main target’s settings, change the property value for
Note: JavaMonitor and wotaskd (WebObjects Task Daemon) services are now managed
by launchd and can be accessed through the Server Admin application. If the server
you’re upgrading has the startup item /System/Library/StartupItems/WebObjects, you
can ignore it. It’s disabled by default and isn’t necessary for autostarting WebObjects
services with Mac OS X Server v10.4. See the web technologies administration guide for
more information.
If you want groups to use new version 10.4 features such as nesting and stricter
membership checking, upgrade group records using Workgroup Manager.
To upgrade a group record:
1 Open Workgroup Manager.
2 Open the directory that contains the groups of interest.
3 Select one or more groups and click“Upgrade legacy group.”
4 Click Save.
Directory Services
After upgrading, you may want to convert a shared NetInfo directory to LDAP. See the
Open Directory administration guide for details about the advantages of using LDAP
and how to use Server Admin to conduct the conversion.
You can also convert to Open Directory authentication from a different strategy. For
example, if any of the users in your upgraded server are configured to be authenticated
using Authentication Manager, you can change their settings to Open Directory
authentication. Authentication options and instructions appear in the Open Directory
administration guide.
NetBoot Images
NetBoot images created using version 10.2 can be reused following the upgrade
To manage Netboot images, you use System Image Utility, which replaces Network
Image Utility during the upgrade installation.
Chapter 3 Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
Print Service
The upgrade process matches the old configuration with existing print queues and
applies the settings to the new configuration, which is stored in /Library/Preferences/
The upgrade results are logged in /Library/Logs/PrintService/PrintService.admin.log.
If the server has a legacy (NetInfo-based) print service configuration that hasn’t been
upgraded, the log file contains a report of the upgraded items. Most of the log file
entries reflect the inherent differences between the version 10.4 print architecture
(Common UNIX Printing System, or CUPS) and the legacy printing architecture.
Web Service
If you’ve modified /etc/httpd/, reapply your changes to the version
of the file that’s installed with server version 10.4. The version 10.4
file has a new entry for Weblog service.
Macintosh Manager
If you’ve been using Macintosh Manager, you can continue to do so.
To start Macintosh Manager
1 Open Server Admin.
2 Select the upgraded server in the Computers & Services list, connecting to it if
3 Click Settings, then click General.
4 Under Protocols, enable Macintosh Manager.
5 Click Save.
Chapter 3 Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
Chapter 3 Upgrading Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
Migrating From Mac OS X Server
Version 10.3
Use the instructions in this chapter when you need to
migrate data from a version 10.3.9 server to a different
computer running version 10.4.
You can migrate data from Mac OS X Server version 10.3.9 computers that can’t be
upgraded to version 10.4.7 or later. Such computers may:
 Require hard disk reformatting or replacement with a newer computer.
 Be using server hardware that doesn’t have:
 A PowerPC G4 or G5 processor.
 Built-in FireWire.
 At least 512 megabytes (MB) of random access memory (RAM).
 At least 10 gigabytes (GB) of disk space available.
If you want to migrate data from a 10.3.9 server and use a Mac OS X Server version 10.4
installation disc that is version 10.4.6 or earlier, your replacement server must have a
PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 processor; built-in FireWire; at least 128 MB of RAM (256 MB or
more required for high-demand servers running multiple services); or at least 4 GB of
disk space available.
Before You Begin
Before using the instructions in this chapter, perform initial setup of the version 10.4
server to which you’ll migrate data. See the getting started guide for instructions.
If necessary, upgrade the server whose data you’ll migrate so it’s running version 10.3.9.
When the server is an Open Directory master or replica, set up the version 10.4 master
then set up the version 10.4 replicas.
To reestablish the master and its replicas:
1 Set up the version 10.4 master following the instructions later in this chapter.
While you’re setting up the master, client computers won’t be able to connect to the
version 10.3.9 master for Open Directory services. Clients may experience a delay while
automatically finding the nearest Open Directory replica server.
You can eliminate this delay by changing the DHCP service to use the address of an
Open Directory replica server if it provides clients with an LDAP server address. When
the version 10.4 master is ready, you can change the DHCP service to use the address of
the master.
The Network services administration guide provides instructions for configuring LDAP
settings in DHCP service.
2 Set up each version 10.4 replica by migrating data as appropriate.
Then change the version 10.3.9 replica’s role to standalone and set up the version 10.4
server to be a replica of the version 10.4 master.
The Open Directory administration guide provides instructions for changing a server’s
Open Directory role to standalone and replica.
For information about resetting passwords in the master, see Step 6 on page 40.
Understanding What You Can Migrate
The information in “Step-by-Step Instructions”on page 34 describes how to reuse the
following version 10.3 data with version 10.4:
 Web configuration data
 Web content
 MySQL data
 Mail database
 WebMail data
 FTP configuration files
 NetBoot images
 WebObjects applications and frameworks
 Tomcat data
 JBoss applications
 AFP settings
 IP firewall configuration
 DNS configuration
 DHCP settings
 NAT settings
 VPN settings
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
 User data, including home directories
 QuickTime Streaming Server files and directories
 User and group accounts
If you’re using any of the following, make a note of any settings you want to continue
to use, then see the document indicated for instructions on re-creating the settings
after using the instructions in this chapter.
To set up
See the
NFS file services
Windows services
Print service
File services administration guide
Windows services administration guide
Print service administration guide
In version 10.4, watchdog has been replaced by launchd. To re-enable automatic
hardware restart, use the Energy Saver pane of System Preferences. To migrate settings
for services you added to /etc/watchdog.conf, create a launchd plist file and install it
into /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/. See the man page for launchd.conf for details.
Tools You Can Use
Several tools are available:
 You use Workgroup Manager to export version 10.3 user and group accounts to a
character-delimited file, and then import them into a version 10.4 server. You can also
import users and groups using the command-line dsimporttool.
 Workgroup Manager’s import facility and the dsimporttool also let you import other
kinds of data, such as computers and computer lists.
 You use the 49_webconfigmigratortool to migrate your web configuration.
 You use the 50_ipfwconfigmigratortool to migrate your IP firewall configuration.
 You use the nidumpand niloadtools and the NetInfo Manager application to migrate
your DHCP configuration.
Instructions in the following sections explain when and how to use these utilities.
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Step-by-Step Instructions
To move data from a Mac OS X Server version 10.3.9 computer to a computer with
Mac OS X Server version 10.4 installed, follow the instructions in this section.
3 Note current share
1 Export user and
2 Create archive files of data
points and privileges.
group info.
and user export file.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
Read & Write
Read Only
Workgroup Manager
4 Copy archive files
to new server.
9 Test the new server.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
Read & Write
Read Only
5 Set up home
8 Set up share points
and privileges.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
6 Import user
and other data.
Read & Write
Read Only
Manager or
dsimport tool
7 Relocate data files
on new server.
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Step 1: Export users and groups
Use Workgroup Manager to export user and group accounts from a NetInfo or LDAPv3
directory into a character-delimited file that you can import into a directory for use
with Mac OS X Server version 10.4.
To export users and groups:
1 In Workgroup Manager, click Accounts, then click the globe icon below the toolbar and
choose the directory from which you want to export accounts.
2 Click the lock to authenticate as domain administrator.
3 Click the Users button to export users or the Groups button to export groups.
4 To export all accounts listed, select all of them. To export a specific account, select it.
To export multiple accounts, select them while holding down the Command or
Shift key.
5 Choose Server > Export.
7 Click Export.
exported. If you want to set passwords, you can modify the export file before you
import it or you can set passwords after importing, as described in Step 6 on page 40.
Step 2: Create archive files
Save all the data files that you want to reuse with Mac OS X Server version 10.4. In
Step 4 you’ll move the files described below, as well as the export file created in Step 1,
to the version 10.4 computer.
For large amounts of data, you may want to create one or more tar archives or use
/usr/bin/mkdmgto create disk image files. Both disk images and tar files can be
transferred using FTP. Note that tar doesn’t preserve resource forks on HFS+ volumes,
so it’s useful only for UFS volumes.
To create a tar archive, use the tarcommand in the Terminal application. The
command’s -cflag creates a new archive file in tar format. Use the -fflag to identify
the archive file name. Use the -v(verbose) flag to view useful information as the
command executes:
tar -cvf /MyHFSVolume/Stuff.tar /MyHFSVolume/My\ Stuff
The escape character (\ in the example above) indicates a space in the name. You can
also use quotation marks to handle embedded spaces:
tar -cvf /MyHFSVolume/Stuff.tar "/MyHFSVolume/My Stuff"
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Web Configuration Data
Save the following files and directory:
Web Content
Copy web content you want to reuse from:
 Any other location in which it resides
MySQL Data
Mac OS X Server version 10.3.9 preinstalled version 4.0.18 of MySQL. Server version 10.4
preinstalls MySQL version 4.0.20.
To migrate your MySQL databases from one computer to another, you can use the
mysqldumpcommand from a Terminal window. To back up the data, type:
mysqldump -p table > backup-file.sql
mysqldump --opt database > backup-file.sql
Additional instructions for database backup and restore can be found in the MySQL
documentation at
Mail Database
If you want to reuse the mail database and mail store, stop mail service if it’s running
and save files the database and store. By default:
 The mail database resides in /var/imap/.
 The mail store resides in /var/spool/imap/. You can back up individual mail storage
folders or the entire mail store.
The dittocommand-line tool is useful for backing up mail files. See its man page for
information about it.
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Also, save a copy of the file /usr/bin/cyrus/bin/ctl_mboxlist so you can move it to the
version 10.4 server in Step 4 on page 39. You will need this file to migrate the mail
database successfully in Step 7 on page 41.
Webmail Data
If you’ve been using the SquirrelMail installed when you installed version 10.3 and want
to continue using it after migration, make copies of the address books and preferences
stored in /var/db/squirrelmail/data/.
FTP Configuration Files
To migrate your FTP settings, save these configuration files:
In this directory
Save these files
Save /Library/Preferences/
NetBoot Images
You can migrate NetBoot images created using Mac OS X Server version 10.3.
Save the <name>.nbi folder for each image you want to migrate, noting the path to
the folder if you want to re-create it in version 10.4.
Also save the DHCP settings, which include NetBoot settings. See “DHCP”on page 38
for instructions.
WebObjects Applications and Frameworks
Save WebObjects applications and frameworks located in:
Tomcat Data
Save any Tomcat servlets you want to reuse. They’re in /Library/Tomcat/webapps/.
If you’ve installed Axis independent of the version supplied with your server, save any
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) services.
JBoss Applications
Save JBoss applications located in /Library/JBoss/3.2/deploy/.
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
IP Firewall
Save these files:
Save the contents of /etc/nat/natd.plist.
 /etc/racoon/psk.text (if L2TP is set up and psk.text stores the IPsec shared secret; the
shared secret may also be stored in or
Save the file /etc/named.conf and the directory /var/named/ and all its contents.
Save the DHCP settings after running the following command from the Terminal
application. This command writes the DHCP configuration record stored in NetInfo to a
file named DHCPconfig:
nidump -r /config/dhcp . > DHCPconfig
Although Server Admin DHCP didn’t manage static bindings between IP addresses and
Ethernet addresses in version 10.3, it does in version 10.4. So if you’ve manually
configured some DHCP static bindings on your version 10.3 server, you can save them
to a file for migration to version 10.4 by using this command:
nidump -r /machines . > Machinesconfig
User Data
Save any user data files you want to reuse, especially home directory folders.
QuickTime Streaming Server Files and Folders
Save files and folders in /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/.
For more information on migrating QTSS, see the QuickTime Streaming Server
administration guide.
Step 3: Note current share points and privileges
If your version 10.3 server has share points and privileges you want to re-create on the
version 10.4 server, make a note of them. Note which share points are for home
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Step 4: Copy archive files to the new server
Transfer the files you saved in Steps 1 and 2 to the version 10.4 server.
To transfer tar files or disk images using FTP:
1 Use Server Admin on the new server to start FTP service.
2 Set up sharing for a folder into which you’ll place files you transfer from the 10.3
3 On the version 10.3 server, use FTP service to copy the tar files or disk images to the
version 10.4 computer.
4 Double-click a tar file to extract its contents. Double-click a disk image to mount it.
Step 5: Set up the home directory infrastructure
Set up the destination for home directories you want to restore.
The home directory location identified in imported user accounts must match the
physical location of the restored home directories, including the share point location.
For detailed instructions on how to perform individual steps in the following
procedure, see the user management guide.
To prepare the server to store home directories:
1 Create the folder you want to serve as the home directory share point, if required.
You can use the predefined /Users folder, if you like.
2 Open Workgroup Manager on the server where you want the home directories to
3 Click Sharing to set up a share point for the home directories.
If the user accounts will reside in a shared Open Directory directory, create a
dynamically automounted AFP or NFS share point for the home directories. Make sure
the share point is published in the directory where the user accounts that depend on it
will reside.
4 In Workgroup Manager on the computer from which you’ll import users, click Accounts,
then open the directory into which you’ll import users.
5 If you’ll restore home directories in locations that won’t exactly match the locations
identified in exported user records, you can define a preset that identifies the restore
location. If you identify the preset when you import users, the new location will replace
the existing location in user records.
You can also use the preset to specify other default settings you want imported users
to inherit, such as password settings, mail settings, and so forth.
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Step 6: Import users and groups and other data
You can use Workgroup Manager or the dsimporttool to import users and groups and
other data:
 See the user management guide for details about importing by using Workgroup
users originally created with Mac OS X Server version 10.1.5 or earlier.
 See the command-line administration guide for dsimportinstructions and a
description of Workgroup Manager export format.
To import users and groups using Workgroup Manager:
1 Place the export file(s) you created in Step 1 in a location accessible from your server.
2 You can modify user accounts in an export file if you want to set passwords before
importing users. See the user management guide for instructions.
Alternatively, you can set up the preset you defined in Step 5 above so that user
passwords are validated using Open Directory authentication, and set up the password
validation options so that users are forced to change their passwords the next time
they log in.
See the last step in this sequence for information about using Kerberos passwords.
3 In Workgroup Manager, click the Accounts button.
4 Click the globe icon in the toolbar to open the directory into which you want to import
5 Click the lock to authenticate as domain administrator.
6 Choose Server > Import, select the import file, and specify import options.
If you’re using a preset, make sure you identify the preset.
7 Click Import.
8 If you want groups to use new version 10.4 features such as nesting and stricter
membership checking, upgrade groups using Workgroup Manager.
In Workgroup Manager, open the directory containing the groups. Select one or more
of the groups and click“Upgrade legacy group.”Click Save.
9 To create home directories for imported users, you have several options.
Create home directories one at a time by selecting a user account in Workgroup
Manager, clicking Home, then clicking Create Home Now.
Create all the home directories by using the -aargument of the createhomedir
command. For details, see the command-line administration guide or the man page for
A home directory associated with an AFP share point is automatically created the first
time a user logs in, if it doesn’t exist already.
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
10 If you want to enable Kerberos for an Open Directory master on which it’s not enabled,
you can use the following command, which maintains existing passwords and adds
them to a new KDC.
slapconfig -kerberize
If you have user accounts with crypt passwords and you don’t Kerberize them using the
command above, you can use Workgroup Manager or the NeST command to use an
Open Directory password:
To use Workgroup Manager, open the application and access the directory in which the
user account resides. Authenticate as domain administrator, then select a user with a
crypt password. Click Advanced, choose Open Directory from the User Password Type
pop-up menu, click Basic, specify a new password, and click Save.
To use the NeST tool, open the Terminal application and type:
NeST -convertuser <user-name> <domain-administrator-name>
For more information about NeSTand slapconfig, see their man pages.
Step 7: Relocate saved data files
Place the files you saved from your version 10.3 server in their final locations.
Web Configuration Data
To migrate the web configuration:
1 Open Server Admin and click Web in the Computers & Services list. Click Stop Service if
web service is running.
2 Delete the following files:
3 Copy the saved version 10.3 files and directory onto the version 10.4 server.
4 Open the Terminal application. As the root user, type the 49_webconfigmigrator
sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/49_webconfigmigrator
A log of the changes made to the files is created in /Library/Logs/Migration/
webconfigmigrator.log. The version 10.3 files in /etc/httpd/ are renamed to
httpd.conf.obsolete, httpd_macosxserver.conf.obsolete, and
mime_macosxserver.types.obsolete. A new httpd.conf file is created and a sites
directory is created.
5 If you’ve modified /etc/httpd/, reapply all your changes to the
version of the file that’s installed with server version 10.4. The version 10.4 file has a new entry for Weblog service.
6 In Server Admin, start web service.
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Web Content
Copy saved web content to:
MySQL Data
If you backed up your MySQL data using mysqldump, you can restore the data using:
mysql -p table < backup-file.sql
mysql database < backup-file.sql
If the MySQL 4.0.18 database you’re migrating originated as a MySQL 3.23.x database
and it’s still using the deprecated ISAM table format from MySQL 3.23, you must update
it. ISAM is no longer supported with MySQL 4.1. Refer to the documentation on the
MySQL website for migration details:
This site suggests:
 Running mysql_fix_privilege_tablesto enable new security privilege features.
 Running either mysql_convert_table_format(if all existing tables are ISAM or
MyISAM) or ALTER TABLE table_name TYPE=MyISAMon all ISAM tables (to avoid the
deprecated ISAM table format).
When running MySQL and PHP on the same server, you may find that PHP cannot
connect to MySQL or that authentication errors occur when using PHP. For more
information and workarounds, see the following AppleCare KnowledgeBase articles:
 “Mac OS X Server 10.4: PHP and MySQL authentication issues”(article 301456)
 “Mac OS X Server 10.4: Issues connecting PHP to MySQL”(article 301457)
Additional instructions for MySQL database backup and restore can be found in the
Mail Database
To migrate the mail database:
1 Make sure that mail service isn’t running.
Open Server Admin, then click Mail. If it is not grayed out, click Stop Service.
2 Restore the saved mail database and mail store. By default the mail database resides in
/var/imap/ and the mail store in /var/spool/imap/.
3 Rename the saved ctl_mboxlist file to ctl_mboxlist.old, and then move it to /usr/bin/
If ctl_mboxlist.old is not present, the upgradedb script will fail in step 7 below.
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
4 In Server Admin, click Settings, click Advanced, and click Database to indicate where
you restored the database and mail store.
5 Click Save.
6 Open the Terminal application and use the sucommand to assume the identity of the
root user.
7 Run the mail database upgradedb script:
sudo -u cyrusimap /System/Library/ServerSetup/SetupExtras/upgradedb
8 In Server Admin, start mail service by clicking Mail, then clicking Start Service.
Webmail Data
Place saved address books and preferences in /var/db/squirrelmail/data/.
FTP Configuration Files
Copy saved FTP configuration files to:
AFP Configuration
To migrate the AFP configuration, restore /Library/Preferences/
NetBoot Images
Copy the <name>.nbi folder for each image you want to migrate, optionally placing it
into the location where it previously resided.
Restore the DHCP settings file, as described in “DHCP Settings”on page 45.
WebObjects Applications and Frameworks
To migrate WebObjects:
1 Copy saved applications and frameworks to:
2 Add the following line to the new httpd.conf file:
Include /System/Library/WebObjects/Adaptors/Apache/apache.conf
3 If you didn’t have Java 1.4.2 installed on your version 10.3 server, WebObjects
application projects need to be manually updated to use the version of the Java Virtual
Machine (VM) included with version 10.4.
Open the project in Xcode. In the Expert View for the main target’s settings, change the
property value for“JAVA_VM”to“java”.
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Note: JavaMonitor and wotaskd (WebObjects Task Daemon) services are now managed
by launchd and can be accessed through the Server Admin application. If the server
you’re migrating from has the startup item /System/Library/StartupItems/WebObjects,
you don’t need to copy it to the new server. It’s disabled by default and isn’t necessary
for autostarting WebObjects services with Mac OS X Server v10.4. See the web
technologies administration guide for more information.
Tomcat Data
Restore Tomcat servlets to /Library/Tomcat/webapps/.
Place any SOAP services you want to migrate in /Library/Tomcat/webapps/axis/.
Mac OS X Server version 10.4 includes a version of Axis that may be newer or older than
the version you’ve been using.
JBoss Applications
Restore JBoss applications to /Library/JBoss/3.2/deploy/.
IP Firewall Configuration
To migrate the IP firewall configuration:
1 Restore these files:
2 In the Terminal application, run this command:
sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/50_ipfwconfigmigrator
3 Open Server Admin and click Firewall to inspect the settings and make sure they are
At any time you can restore the version 10.4 default settings for IP firewall (stored in
/etc/ipfilter/ip_address_groups.plist.default) by deleting the active configuration file
(/etc/ipfilter/ip_address_groups.plist). The next time IP firewall is accessed using Server
Admin, the default configuration file is used to create the active configuration file.
Note: In version 10.4, the standard services are no longer managed in /etc/ipfilter/
standard_services.plist. They are now part of the configuration managed by the Server
Admin graphical user interface, in /etc/ipfilter/ip_address-groups.plist.
Restore the contents of /etc/nat/natd.plist.
At any time you can restore the version 10.4 default settings for NAT (stored in
/etc/natd/natd.plist.default) by deleting the active configuration file (/etc/nat/
natd.plist). The next time NAT is accessed using Server Admin, the default configuration
file is used to create the active configuration file.
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Note: In version 10.4, the default setting of unregistered_only in /etc/nat/
natd.plist.default changed from false to true.
 /etc/racoon/psk.text (if L2TP is set up and psk.text stores the IPsec shared secret; the
shared secret may also be stored in or
Migrate the VPN MPPE Key user by using the vpnaddkeyagentuser command-line tool.
See its man page for usage details.
DNS Configuration
To migrate the DNS configuration:
1 Restore the file /etc/named.conf and the directory /var/named/ and all its contents.
2 In the Terminal application, go to the directory where the DNS migration script resides
cd /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/
3 Run the migration script:
DHCP Settings
To migrate the DHCP configuration:
1 Restore the DHCPconfig and Machinesconfig files.
2 In the Terminal application, type:
sudo niload -r /config/dhcp . < DHCPconfig
sudo niload -r /machines . < Machinesconfig
3 Open Server Admin and click DHCP to inspect the DHCP Subnets and Static Bindings to
make sure they are correct.
User Data
Restore saved user data files.
Place home directories in locations that match the locations in the imported user
records. If necessary, you can use Workgroup Manager to edit user accounts so the
locations in the account and on disk are the same.
QuickTime Streaming Server Files and Folders
Follow instructions in the QuickTime Streaming Server administration guide to reuse
files and folders saved from /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/.
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Step 8: Set up share points and privileges
Re-create the share points and privileges as required.
To create a share point and set privileges:
1 Open Workgroup Manager and click Sharing.
2 Click the All button and select the volume or folder you want to share.
3 Click General and select“Share this item and its contents.”
4 Click Access to set up access privileges.
5 Click Save.
New share points are automatically shared using AFP, SMB, and FTP, but not NFS.
To export a share point using NFS, use the Protocol pane. See the file services
administration guide for more information about setting up share points.
Step 9: Test the new server
To test the new server:
1 Open Workgroup Manager and inspect user and group accounts.
2 Open Server Admin and inspect settings for services whose configuration data you
Chapter 4 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.3
Migrating From Mac OS X Server
Version 10.2
Use the instructions in this chapter when you need to
migrate data from a version 10.2.8 server to a different
computer running version 10.4.
You can migrate data from Mac OS X Server version 10.2.8 computers that can’t be
upgraded to version 10.4.7 or later. Such computers may:
 Require hard disk reformatting or replacement with a newer computer.
 Be using server hardware that doesn’t have:
 A PowerPC G4 or G5 processor.
 Built-in FireWire.
 At least 512 megabytes (MB) of random access memory (RAM).
 At least 10 gigabytes (GB) of disk space available.
If your Mac OS X Server v10.4 installation disc is v10.4.6 or earlier, you can migrate data
from a v10.2.8 server to a replacement server with a PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 processor;
built-in FireWire; at least 128 MB of RAM (256 MB or more required for high-demand
servers running multiple services); and at least 4 GB of disk space available.
Before You Begin
Before using the instructions in this chapter, perform initial setup of the version 10.4
If necessary, upgrade the server whose data you’ll migrate so it’s running version 10.2.8.
Understanding What You Can Migrate
The information in “Step-by-Step Instructions”on page 49 describes how to reuse the
following version 10.2 data with version 10.4:
 Web configuration data
 Web content
 MySQL data
 Mail database
 WebMail data
 FTP configuration files
 NetBoot images
 WebObjects applications and frameworks
 Tomcat data
 AFP settings
 IP firewall configuration
 DNS configuration
 DHCP settings
 User data, including home directories
 QuickTime Streaming Server files and directories
 User and group accounts
If you’re using any of the following, make a note of any settings you want to continue
to use, then see the document indicated for instructions on re-creating the settings
after using the instructions in this chapter.
To set up
See the
NFS file services
Windows services
Print service
File services administration guide
Windows services administration guide
Print service administration guide
In version 10.4, watchdog has been replaced by launchd. To re-enable automatic
hardware restart, use the Energy Saver pane of System Preferences. To migrate settings
for services you added to /etc/watchdog.conf, create a launchd plist file and install it
into /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/. See the man page for launchd.conf for details.
Tools You Can Use
Several tools are available:
 You use Workgroup Manager to export version 10.2 user and group accounts to a
character-delimited file, and then import them into a version 10.4 server. You can also
import users and groups using the command-line dsimporttool.
 Workgroup Manager’s import facility and the dsimporttool also let you import other
kinds of data, such as computers and computer lists.
 You use the 49_webconfigmigratortool to migrate your web configuration.
 You use the nidump, niload, and 50_ipfwconfigmigratortools and the NetInfo
Manager application to migrate your IP firewall configuration.
 You use the nidump, niload, and 51_afpconfigmigratortools and the NetInfo
Manager application to migrate your AFP configuration.
Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
 You use the nidumpand niloadtools and the NetInfo Manager application to migrate
your DHCP configuration.
Instructions in the following sections explain when and how to use these utilities.
Step-by-Step Instructions
To move data from a Mac OS X Server version 10.2.8 computer to a computer with
Mac OS X Server version 10.4 installed, follow the instructions in this section.
3 Note current share
1 Export user and
2 Create archive files of data
points and privileges.
group info.
and user export file.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
Read & Write
Read Only
Workgroup Manager
4 Copy archive files
to new server.
9 Test the new server.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
Read & Write
Read Only
5 Set up home
8 Set up share points
and privileges.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
6 Import user
and other data.
Read & Write
Read Only
Manager or
dsimport tool
7 Relocate data files
on new server.
Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
Step 1: Export users and groups
Use Workgroup Manager to export user and group accounts from a NetInfo or LDAPv3
directory into a character-delimited file that you can import into a directory for use
with Mac OS X Server version 10.4.
To export users and groups:
1 In Workgroup Manager, click Accounts, then click the globe icon below the toolbar and
choose the directory from which you want to export accounts.
2 Click the lock to authenticate as domain administrator.
3 Click the Users button to export users or the Groups button to export groups.
4 To export all accounts listed, select all of them. To export a specific account, select it. To
export multiple accounts, select them while holding down the Command or Shift key.
5 Choose Server > Export.
7 Click Export.
exported. If you want to set passwords, you can modify the export file before you
import it or you can set passwords after importing, as described in Step 6 on page 54.
Step 2: Create archive files
Save all the data files that you want to reuse with Mac OS X Server version 10.4. In
Step 4 you’ll move the files described below, as well as the export file created in Step 1,
to the version 10.4 computer.
For large amounts of data, you may want to create one or more tar archives or use
/usr/bin/mkdmgto create disk image files. Both disk images and tar files can be
transferred using FTP. Note that tar doesn’t preserve resource forks on HFS+ volumes,
so it’s useful only for UFS volumes.
To create a tar archive, use the tarcommand in the Terminal application. The
command’s -cflag creates a new archive file in tar format. Use the -fflag to identify
the archive file name. Use the -v(verbose) flag to view useful information as the
command executes:
tar -cvf /MyHFSVolume/Stuff.tar /MyHFSVolume/My\ Stuff
The escape character (\ in the example above) indicates a space in the name. You can
also use quotation marks to handle embedded spaces:
tar -cvf /MyHFSVolume/Stuff.tar "/MyHFSVolume/My Stuff"
Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
Web Configuration Data
Save the following files and directory:
Web Content
Copy web content you want to reuse from:
 Any other location in which it resides
MySQL Data
Mac OS X Server version 10.2.8 preinstalled version 3.23 of MySQL. Server version 10.4
preinstalls MySQL version 4.0.20.
To migrate your MySQL databases from one computer to another, you can use the
mysqldumpcommand from a Terminal window. To back up the data, type:
mysqldump -p table > backup-file.sql
mysqldump --opt database > backup-file.sql
Additional instructions for database backup and restore can be found in the MySQL
documentation at
Mail Database
Save the mail database if you want to reuse it. Its default location is /Library/
Webmail Data
If you’ve been using the SquirrelMail installed when you installed version 10.2 and want
to continue using it after migration, make copies of the address books and preferences
stored in /var/db/squirrelmail/data/.
Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
FTP Configuration Files
To migrate your FTP settings, save these configuration files:
In this directory
Save these files
Save the AFP configuration after running the following command from the Terminal
application. This command writes the AFP configuration record stored in NetInfo to a
file named afpconfig:
nidump -r /config/AppleFileServer . > afpconfig
NetBoot Images
You can migrate NetBoot images created using Mac OS X Server version 10.2.
Save the <name>.nbi folder for each image you want to migrate, noting the path to
the folder if you want to re-create it in version 10.4.
Also save the DHCP settings, which include NetBoot settings. See “DHCP”on page 53
for instructions.
WebObjects Applications and Frameworks
Save WebObjects applications and frameworks located in:
Tomcat Data
Save any Tomcat servlets you want to reuse. They’re in /Library/Tomcat/webapps/.
If you’ve installed Axis independent of the version supplied with your server, save any
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) services.
IP Firewall
Save the IP firewall configuration after running the following command from the
Terminal application. This command writes the IP firewall configuration record stored in
NetInfo to a file named firewallconfig:
nidump -r /config/IPFilters . > firewallconfig
Save the file /etc/named.conf and the directory /var/named/ and all its contents.
Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
Save the DHCP settings after running the following command from the Terminal
application. This command writes the DHCP configuration record stored in NetInfo to a
file named DHCPconfig:
nidump -r /config/dhcp . > DHCPconfig
Although Server Admin DHCP didn’t manage static bindings between IP addresses and
Ethernet addresses in version 10.3, it does in version 10.4. So if you’ve manually
configured some DHCP static bindings on your version 10.3 server, you can save them
to a file for migration to version 10.4 by using this command:
nidump -r /machines . > Machinesconfig
User Data
Save any user data files you want to reuse, especially home directory folders.
QuickTime Streaming Server Files and Folders
Save files and folders in /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/.
For more information on migrating QTSS, see the QuickTime Streaming Server
administration guide.
If your version 10.2 server has share points and privileges you want to re-create on the
version 10.4 server, make a note of them. Note which share points are for home
Step 4: Copy archive files to the new server
Transfer the files you saved in Steps 1 and 2 to the version 10.4 server.
To transfer tar files or disk images using FTP:
1 Use Server Admin on the new server to start FTP service.
2 Set up sharing for a folder into which you’ll place files you transfer from the 10.2
3 On the version 10.2 server, use FTP service to copy the tar files or disk images to the
version 10.4 computer.
4 Double-click a tar file to extract its contents. Double-click a disk image to mount it.
Step 5: Set up the home directory infrastructure
Set up the destination for home directories you want to restore.
The home directory location identified in imported user accounts must match the
physical location of the restored home directories, including the share point location.
For detailed instructions on how to perform individual steps in the following
procedure, see the user management guide.
Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
To prepare the server to store home directories:
1 Create the folder you want to serve as the home directory share point, if required. You
can use the predefined /Users folder, if you like.
2 Open Workgroup Manager on the server where you want the home directories to
3 Click Sharing to set up a share point for the home directories.
If the user accounts will reside in a shared Open Directory directory, create a
dynamically automounted AFP or NFS share point for the home directories. Make sure
the share point is published in the directory where the user accounts that depend on it
will reside.
4 In Workgroup Manager on the computer from which you’ll import users, click Accounts,
then open the directory into which you’ll import users.
5 If you’ll restore home directories in locations that won’t exactly match the locations
identified in exported user records, you can define a preset that identifies the restore
location. If you identify the preset when you import users, the new location will replace
the existing location in user records.
You can also use the preset to specify other default settings you want imported users
to inherit, such as password settings, mail settings, and so forth.
Step 6: Import users and groups and other data
You can use Workgroup Manager or the dsimporttool to import users and groups and
other data:
 See the user management guide for details about importing by using Workgroup
users originally created with Mac OS X Server version 10.1.5 or earlier.
 See the command-line administration guide for dsimportinstructions and a
description of Workgroup Manager export format.
To import users and groups using Workgroup Manager:
1 Place the export file(s) you created in Step 1 on page 50 in a location accessible from
your server.
2 You can modify user accounts in an export file if you want to set passwords before
importing users. See the user management guide for instructions.
Alternatively, you can set up the preset you defined in step 5 of Step 5 above so user
passwords are validated using Open Directory authentication and set up the password
validation options so that users are forced to change their passwords the next time
they log in.
3 In Workgroup Manager, click the Accounts button.
Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
4 Click the globe icon in the toolbar to open the directory into which you want to import
5 Click the lock to authenticate as domain administrator.
6 Choose Server > Import, select the import file, and specify import options.
If you’re using a preset, make sure you identify the preset.
7 Click Import.
8 If you want groups to use new version 10.4 features such as nesting and stricter
membership checking, upgrade groups using Workgroup Manager.
In Workgroup Manager, open the directory containing the groups. Select one or more
of the groups and click“Upgrade legacy group.”Click Save.
9 To create home directories for imported users, you have several options.
Create home directories one at a time by selecting a user account in Workgroup
Manager, clicking Home, then clicking Create Home Now.
Create all the home directories by using the -aargument of the createhomedir
command. For details, see the command-line administration guide or the man page for
A home directory associated with an AFP share point is automatically created the first
time a user logs in, if it doesn’t exist already.
Step 7: Relocate saved data files
Place the files you saved from your version 10.2 server in their final locations.
Web Configuration Data
To migrate the web configuration:
1 Open Server Admin and click Web in the Computers & Services list. Click Stop Service if
web service is running.
2 Delete the following files:
3 Copy the saved version 10.2 files and directory onto the version 10.4 server.
4 Open the Terminal application. As the root user, type the 49_webconfigmigrator
sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/49_webconfigmigrator
Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
A log of the changes made to the files is created in /Library/Logs/Migration/
webconfigmigrator.log. The version 10.2 files in /etc/httpd/ are renamed to
httpd.conf.obsolete, httpd_macosxserver.conf.obsolete, and
mime_macosxserver.types.obsolete. A new httpd.conf file is created and a sites
directory is created.
5 If you’ve modified /etc/httpd/, reapply your changes to the version
of the file that’s installed with server version 10.4. The version 10.4
file has a new entry for Weblog service.
6 In Server Admin, start web service.
Web Content
Copy saved web content to:
MySQL Data
If you backed up your MySQL data using mysqldump, you can restore the data using:
mysql -p table < backup-file.sql
mysql database < backup-file.sql
If the MySQL database you’re migrating is still using the deprecated ISAM table format
from MySQL 3.23, now is a good time to update it. Refer to the documentation on the
MySQL website for migration details:
This site suggests:
 Running mysql_fix_privilege_tablesto enable new security privilege features.
 Running either mysql_convert_table_format(if all existing tables are ISAM or
MyISAM) or ALTER TABLE table_name TYPE=MyISAMon all ISAM tables (to avoid the
deprecated ISAM table format).
Mail Database
To migrate the mail database:
1 Make sure that mail service is not running.
Open Server Admin, then click Mail. If it isn’t grayed out, click Stop Service.
2 Click Maintenance, then click Migration.
3 Place the saved database on the version 10.4 server. Make sure that no extra files are in
the location you select.
If you place the database in the default location (/Library/AppleMail Server/), its
location and accounts are displayed.
Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
Otherwise, browse for the database to identify its location and list its accounts.
4 Make sure there is free space on the destination disk equal to the size of the mail
5 You can migrate a single user or all users.
To migrate mail for only one user, select the user and click Migrate User.
To migrate the entire database, click Migrate All.
Webmail Data
Place saved address books and preferences in /var/db/squirrelmail/data/.
FTP Configuration Files
Copy saved FTP configuration files to:
AFP Configuration
To migrate the AFP configuration:
1 Restore the afpconfig file.
2 Open Server Admin and make sure that AFP isn’t running.
3 Open NetInfo Manager, located in /Applications/Utilities.
4 Authenticate and go to /config.
5 Choose Directory > New SubDirectory to create a record in /config.
6 Change the name of the new record from“newdirectory”to“AppleFileServer”by
selecting the name property’s value and editing it.
7 In the Terminal application, run the following command from the directory in which
the afpconfig file resides:
sudo niload -r /config/AppleFileServer . < afpconfig
8 Type the 51_afpconfigmigratorcommand:
sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/51_afpconfigmigrator
9 In Server Admin, start AFP service.
NetBoot Images
Copy the <name>.nbi folder for each image you want to migrate, optionally placing it
into the location where it previously resided.
Restore the DHCP settings, as described in “DHCP Settings”on page 59.
Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
WebObjects Applications and Frameworks
To migrate WebObjects:
1 Copy saved applications and frameworks to:
2 Add the following line to the new httpd.conf file:
Include /System/Library/WebObjects/Adaptors/Apache/apache.conf
3 WebObjects application projects need to be manually updated to use the version of
the Java Virtual Machine (VM) included with version 10.4.
Open the project in Xcode. In the Expert View for the main target’s settings, change the
property value for“JAVA_VM”to“java”.
Note: JavaMonitor and wotaskd (WebObjects Task Daemon) services are now managed
by launchd and can be accessed through the Server Admin application. If the server
you’re migrating from has the startup item /System/Library/StartupItems/WebObjects,
you don’t need to copy it to the new server. It’s disabled by default and isn’t necessary
for autostarting WebObjects services with Mac OS X Server v10.4. See the web
technologies administration guide for more information.
Tomcat Data
Restore Tomcat servlets to /Library/Tomcat/webapps/.
Place any SOAP services you want to migrate in /Library/Tomcat/webapps/axis/.
Mac OS X Server version 10.4 includes a version of Axis that may be newer or older than
the version you’ve been using.
IP Firewall Configuration
To migrate the IP firewall configuration:
1 Restore the firewallconfig file.
2 Open Server Admin and make sure that firewall service isn’t running.
3 Open NetInfo Manager, located in /Applications/Utilities.
4 Authenticate and go to /config.
5 Choose Directory > New SubDirectory to create a record in /config.
6 Change the name of the new record from“newdirectory”to“IPFilters”by selecting the
name property’s value and editing it.
7 In the Terminal application, run the following command from the directory in which
the firewallconfig file resides:
sudo niload -r /config/IPFilters . < firewallconfig
8 Type the 50_ipfwconfigmigratorcommand:
sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/50_ipfwconfigmigrator
Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
9 In Server Admin, start firewall service.
DNS Configuration
To migrate the DNS configuration:
1 Restore the file /etc/named.conf and the directory /var/named/ and all its contents.
2 In the Terminal application, go to the directory where the DNS migration script resides
cd /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/
3 Run the migration script:
DHCP Settings
To migrate the DHCP configuration:
1 Restore the DHCPconfig and Machinesconfig files.
2 In the Terminal application, type:
sudo niload -r /config/dhcp . < DHCPconfig
sudo niload -r /machines . < Machinesconfig
3 Open Server Admin and click DHCP to inspect the DHCP Subnets and Static Bindings to
make sure they are correct.
User Data
Restore saved user data files.
Place home directories in locations that match the locations in the imported user
records. If necessary, you can use Workgroup Manager to edit user accounts so the
locations in the account and on disk are the same.
QuickTime Streaming Server Files and Folders
Follow instructions in the QuickTime Streaming Server administration guide to reuse
files and folders saved from /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/.
Step 8: Set up share points and privileges
Re-create the share points and privileges as required.
To create a share point and set privileges:
1 Open Workgroup Manager and click Sharing.
2 Click the All button and select the volume or folder you want to share.
3 Click General and select“Share this item and its contents.”
4 Click Access to set up access privileges.
5 Click Save.
New share points are automatically shared using AFP, SMB, and FTP, but not NFS. To
export a share point using NFS, use the Protocol pane. See the file services
administration guide for more information about setting up share points.
Chapter 5 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.2
Migrating From Mac OS X Server
Version 10.1
Use the instructions in this chapter when you need to
migrate data from a version10.1.4 or 10.1.5 server to a different
computer running version 10.4.
This chapter tells you what you can migrate, then explains how.
Before You Begin
Before using the instructions in this chapter, perform initial setup of the version 10.4
server to which you’ll migrate data. See the getting started guide for instructions.
If necessary, upgrade the server whose data you’ll migrate so it’s running version 10.1.4
or 10.1.5.
Understanding What You Can Migrate
The information in “Step-by-Step Instructions”on page 63 describes how to reuse the
following data with version 10.4:
 Web configuration data
 Web content
 MySQL data
 Mail database
 FTP configuration files
 WebObjects applications and frameworks
 Tomcat data
 AFP settings
 IP firewall configuration
 DNS configuration
 DHCP settings
 User data, including home directories
 QuickTime Streaming Server files and directories
 User and group accounts
If you’re using any of the following, make a note of any settings you want to continue
to use, then see the document indicated for instructions on re-creating the settings
after using the instructions in this chapter.
To set up
See the
NFS file services
Windows services
Print service
File services administration guide
Windows services administration guide
Print service administration guide
In version 10.4, watchdog has been replaced by launchd. To re-enable automatic
hardware restart, use the Energy Saver pane of System Preferences. To migrate settings
for services you added to /etc/watchdog.conf, create a launchd plist file and install it
into /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/. See the man page for launchd.conf for details.
Tools You Can Use
Several utilities are available for use during migration:
 You use Server Admin to export version 10.1 users and groups to an XML export file.
 You use Workgroup Manager in version 10.4 to import users and groups from the
export file.
 Workgroup Manager’s import facility and the dsimporttool also let you import other
kinds of data, such as computers and computer lists.
 You use the 49_webconfigmigratortool to migrate your web configuration.
 You use the nidump, niload, and 50_ipfwconfigmigratortools and the NetInfo
Manager application to migrate your IP firewall configuration.
 You use the nidump, niload, and 51_afpconfigmigratortools and the NetInfo
Manager application to migrate your AFP configuration.
 You use the nidumpand niloadtools and the NetInfo Manager application to migrate
your DHCP configuration.
Instructions in the following sections explain when and how to use these utilities.
Chapter 6 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
Step-by-Step Instructions
To move data from a Mac OS X Server version 10.1.4 or 10.1.5 computer to a computer
with Mac OS X Server version 10.4 installed, follow the instructions in this section.
3 Note current share
1 Export user and
2 Create archive files of data
points and privileges.
group info.
and user export file.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
Read & Write
Read Only
Server Admin
4 Copy archive files
to new server.
9 Test the new server.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
Read & Write
Read Only
5 Set up home
8 Set up share points
and privileges.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
6 Import user
and other data.
Read & Write
Read Only
Manager or
dsimport tool
7 Relocate data files
on new server.
Chapter 6 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
Step 1: Export users and groups
Use Server Admin to export user and group accounts from a NetInfo directory into an
XML file that you can import into a directory for use with Mac OS X Server version 10.4.
To export users and groups:
1 Open Server Admin and log in to the server that stores the user and group accounts
you want to migrate.
3 Select the users and groups you want to export, then click Export.
want to reset passwords, you can do so using Workgroup Manager, as described in
Step 6 on page 68.
Step 2: Create archive files
Save all the data files that you want to reuse with Mac OS X Server version 10.4. In
Step 4 you’ll move the files described below, as well as the export file created in Step 1,
to the version 10.4 computer.
For large amounts of data, you may want to create one or more tar archives or use
/usr/bin/mkdmgto create disk image files. Both disk images and tar files can be
transferred using FTP. Note that tar doesn’t preserve resource forks on HFS+ volumes,
so it’s useful only for UFS volumes.
To create a tar archive, use the tarcommand in the Terminal application. The
command’s -cflag creates a new archive file in tar format. Use the -fflag to identify
the archive file name. Use the -v(verbose) flag to view useful information as the
command executes:
tar -cvf /MyHFSVolume/Stuff.tar /MyHFSVolume/My\ Stuff
The escape character (\ in the example above) indicates a space in the name. You can
also use quotation marks to handle embedded spaces:
tar -cvf /MyHFSVolume/Stuff.tar "/MyHFSVolume/My Stuff"
Web Configuration Data
Save the directory /etc/httpd/ and all its contents. Also save the file /etc/webperfcache/
Web Content
Copy web content you want to reuse from:
 Any other location in which it resides
Chapter 6 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
MySQL Data
Mac OS X Server version 10.1 preinstalled MySQL version 3.23. Server version 10.4
preinstalls MySQL version 4.0.20.
To migrate your MySQL databases from one computer to another, you can use the
mysqldumpcommand from a Terminal window. To back up the data, type:
mysqldump -p table > backup-file.sql
mysqldump --opt database > backup-file.sql
Additional instructions for database backup and restore can be found in the MySQL
documentation at
Mail Database
Save the mail database, if you want to reuse it. Its default location is /Library/
Webmail Data
Mac OS X Server version 10.1 didn’t include a preinstalled WebMail client. If you
installed SquirrelMail on your own, you may want to save the user preferences and
address books, and try to migrate them to SquirrelMail 1.4.3 on the version 10.4 server.
FTP Configuration Files
To migrate your FTP settings, save these configuration files:
In this directory
Save these files
Save the AFP configuration after running the following command from the Terminal
application. This command writes the AFP configuration record stored in NetInfo to a
file named afpconfig:
nidump -r /config/AppleFileServer . > afpconfig
WebObjects Applications and Frameworks
Save WebObjects applications and frameworks located in:
Chapter 6 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
Tomcat Data
Save any Tomcat servlets you want to reuse. They’re in /Library/Tomcat/webapps/.
If you’ve installed Axis independent of the version supplied with your server, save any
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) services.
IP Firewall
Save the IP firewall configuration after running the following command from the
Terminal application. This command writes the IP firewall configuration record stored in
NetInfo to a file named firewallconfig:
nidump -r /config/IPFilters . > firewallconfig
Save the file /etc/named.conf and the directory /var/named/ and all its contents.
Save the DHCP settings after running the following command from the Terminal
application. This command writes the DHCP configuration record stored in NetInfo to a
file named DHCPconfig:
nidump -r /config/dhcp . > DHCPconfig
Although Server Admin DHCP didn’t manage static bindings between IP addresses and
Ethernet addresses in version 10.1, it does in version 10.4. So if you’ve manually
configured some DHCP static bindings on your version 10.3 server, you can save them
to a file for migration to version 10.4 by using this command:
nidump -r /machines . > Machinesconfig
User Data
Save any user data files you want to reuse, especially home directory folders.
QuickTime Streaming Server Files and Folders
Save files and folders in /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/.
For more information about migrating QTSS, see the QuickTime Streaming Server
administration guide.
Step 3: Note current share points and privileges
If your version 10.1 server has share points and privileges you want to re-create on the
version 10.4 server, make a note of them. Note which share points are for home
Chapter 6 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
Step 4: Copy archive files to the new server
Transfer the files you saved in Steps 1 and 2 to the version 10.4 server.
To transfer tar files or disk images using FTP:
1 Use Server Admin on the new server to start FTP service.
2 Set up sharing for a folder into which you’ll place files you transfer from the 10.1
3 On the version 10.1 server, use FTP service to copy the tar files or disk images to the
version 10.4 computer.
4 Double-click a tar file to extract its contents. Double-click a disk image to mount it.
Step 5: Set up the home directory infrastructure
Set up the destination for home directories you want to restore.
The home directory location identified in imported user accounts must match the
physical location of the restored home directories, including the share point location.
For detailed instructions on how to perform individual steps in the following
procedure, see the user management guide.
To prepare the server to store home directories:
1 Create the folder you want to serve as the home directory share point, if required. You
can use the predefined /Users folder, if you like.
2 Open Workgroup Manager on the server where you want the home directories to
3 Click Sharing to set up a share point for the home directories.
If the user accounts will reside in a shared Open Directory directory, create a
dynamically automounted AFP or NFS share point for the home directories. Make sure
the share point is published in the directory where the user accounts that depend on it
will reside.
4 In Workgroup Manager on the computer from which you’ll import users, click Accounts,
then open the directory into which you’ll import users.
5 If you’ll restore home directories in locations that won’t exactly match the locations
identified in exported user records, you can define a preset that identifies the restore
location. If you identify the preset when you import users, the new location will replace
the existing location in user records.
You can also use the preset to specify other default settings you want imported users
to inherit, such as password validation settings, mail settings, and so forth.
Chapter 6 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
Step 6: Import exported users and groups and other data
You can use Workgroup Manager or the dsimporttool to import users and groups and
other data:
 See the user management guide for details about importing by using Workgroup
users originally created with Mac OS X Server version 10.1.5 or earlier.
 See the command-line administration guide for dsimportinstructions and a
description of Workgroup Manager export format.
To import users and groups using Workgroup Manager:
1 Place the export file(s) you created in Step 1 on page 64 in a location accessible from
your server.
2 If you want imported users to have passwords validated using Open Directory
authentication, you can set that up in the preset you defined in Step 5 above. Enable
the password option that forces users to change their passwords the next time they
log in.
You can also change password settings using Workgroup Manager after you’ve finished
importing users.
3 In Workgroup Manager, click the Accounts button.
4 Click the globe icon in the toolbar to open the directory into which you want to import
5 Click the lock to authenticate as domain administrator.
6 Choose Server > Import, select the import file, and specify import options.
If you’re using a preset, make sure you identify the preset.
7 Click Import.
8 If you want groups to use new version 10.4 features such as nesting and stricter
membership checking, upgrade groups using Workgroup Manager.
In Workgroup Manager, open the directory containing the groups. Select one or more
of the groups and click“Upgrade legacy group.”Click Save.
9 To create home directories for imported users, you have several options.
Create home directories one at a time by selecting a user account in Workgroup
Manager, clicking Advanced, then clicking Create Home Now.
Create all the home directories by using the -aargument of the createhomedir
command. For details, see the command-line administration guide or the man page for
A home directory associated with an AFP share point is automatically created the first
time a user logs in, if it doesn’t exist already.
Chapter 6 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
Step 7: Relocate saved data files
Place the files you saved from your version 10.1 server in their final location.
Web Configuration Data
To migrate the web configuration:
1 Save the file /etc/httpd/servermgr_web_httpd_config.plist and the directory /etc/
httpd/sites_disabled/ and all its contents from the version 10.4 server.
2 Replace the /etc/httpd/ directory and its files on the version 10.4 server with the /etc/
httpd/ directory and its contents that you saved on the former server. Also restore the
saved /etc/webperfcache/webperfcache.conf.
3 Copy the file /etc/httpd/servermgr_web_httpd_config.plist and the directory /etc/
httpd/sites_disabled/ and all its contents into the restored /etc/httpd/ directory.
4 Open Server Admin and make sure that web service isn’t running.
5 Open the Terminal application. As the root user, type the 49_webconfigmigrator
sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/49_webconfigmigrator
A log of the changes made to the files is created in /Library/Logs/Migration/
webconfigmigrator.log. Original versions of changed files in /etc/httpd are renamed to
httpd.conf.obsolete, httpd_macosxserver.conf.obsolete, and
mime_macosxserver.types.obsolete. A new httpd.conf file is created.
6 If you’ve modified /etc/httpd/, reapply your changes to the version
of the file that’s installed with server version 10.4. The version 10.4
file has a new entry for Weblog service.
7 In Server Admin, start web service.
Web Content
Copy saved web content to:
MySQL Data
If you backed up your MySQL data using mysqldump, you can restore the data using:
mysql -p table < backup-file.sql
mysql database < backup-file.sql
Chapter 6 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
If the MySQL database you’re migrating uses the deprecated ISAM table format from
MySQL 3.23, now is a good time to update it. Refer to the documentation on the
MySQL website for migration details:
This site suggests:
 Running mysql_fix_privilege_tablesto enable new security privilege features.
 Running either mysql_convert_table_format(if all existing tables are ISAM or
MyISAM) or ALTER TABLE table_name TYPE=MyISAMon all ISAM tables (to avoid the
deprecated ISAM table format).
Mail Database
To migrate the mail database:
1 Make sure that mail service is not running.
Open Server Admin, then click Mail. If it isn’t grayed out, click Stop Service.
2 Click Maintenance, then click Migration.
3 Place the saved database on the version 10.4 server. Make sure that no extra files are in
the location you select.
If you place the database in the default location (/Library/AppleMail Server/), its
location and accounts are displayed.
Otherwise, browse for the database to identify its location and list its accounts.
4 Make sure there is free space on the destination disk equal to the size of the mail
5 You can migrate a single user or all users.
To migrate mail for only one user, select the user and click Migrate User.
To migrate the entire database, click Migrate All.
Webmail Data
If you’re trying to migrate SquirrelMail preferences and address book settings from a
version of SquirrelMail you installed on your version 10.1 server, see the documentation
In particular, check to see whether any conversion is necessary between the
SquirrelMail version you installed on server version 10.1 and SquirrelMail version 1.4.3
on Mac OS X Server.
FTP Configuration Files
Copy saved FTP configuration files to:
Chapter 6 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
AFP Configuration
To migrate the AFP configuration:
1 Restore the afpconfig file.
2 Open Server Admin and make sure that AFP isn’t running.
3 Open NetInfo Manager, located in /Applications/Utilities.
4 Authenticate and go to /config.
5 Choose Directory > New SubDirectory to create a record in /config.
6 Change the name of the new record from“newdirectory”to“AppleFileServer”by
selecting the name property’s value and editing it.
7 In the Terminal application, run the following command from the directory in which
the afpconfig file resides:
sudo niload -r /config/AppleFileServer . < afpconfig
8 Type the 51_afpconfigmigratorcommand:
sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/51_afpconfigmigrator
9 In Server Admin, start AFP service.
WebObjects Applications and Frameworks
To migrate WebObjects:
1 Copy saved applications and frameworks to:
2 Add the following line to the new httpd.conf file:
Include /System/Library/WebObjects/Adaptors/Apache/apache.conf
3 Earlier versions of WebObjects stored Apache-specific information in the file
webobjects.conf, located in /System/Library/WebObjects/Adaptors/Apache/. If
necessary to restore your settings, copy information out of this file into apache.conf.
4 WebObjects application projects need to be manually updated to use the version of
the Java Virtual Machine (VM) included with version 10.4.
If you’re using WebObjects 5, open the project in Xcode. In the Expert View for the
main target’s settings, change the property value for“JAVA_VM”to“java”.
If you’re using WebObjects 4.5, you’ll need to update the source code of your
applications to use Java instead of Objective-C. See the Java Converter documentation
on the WebObjects 5 Developer disc for more information.
Chapter 6 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
Note: JavaMonitor and wotaskd (WebObjects Task Daemon) services are now managed
by launchd and can be accessed through the Server Admin application. If the server
you’re migrating from has the startup item /System/Library/StartupItems/WebObjects,
you don’t need to copy it to the new server. It’s disabled by default and isn’t necessary
for autostarting WebObjects services with Mac OS X Server v10.4. See the web
technologies administration guide for more information.
Tomcat Data
Restore Tomcat servlets to /Library/Tomcat/webapps/.
Place any SOAP services you want to migrate in /Library/Tomcat/webapps/axis/.
Mac OS X Server version 10.4 includes a version of Axis that may be newer or older than
the version you’ve been using.
IP Firewall Configuration
To migrate the IP firewall configuration:
1 Restore the firewallconfig file.
2 Open Server Admin and make sure that firewall service isn’t running.
3 Open NetInfo Manager, located in /Applications/Utilities.
4 Authenticate and go to /config.
5 Choose Directory > New SubDirectory to create a record in /config.
6 Change the name of the new record from“newdirectory”to“IPFilters”by selecting the
name property’s value and editing it.
7 In the Terminal application, run the following command from the directory in which
the firewallconfig file resides:
sudo niload -r /config/IPFilters . < firewallconfig
8 Type the 50_ipfwconfigmigratorcommand:
sudo /System/Library/ServerSetup/MigrationExtras/50_ipfwconfigmigrator
9 In Server Admin, start firewall service.
DNS Configuration
Restore the file /etc/named.conf and the directory /var/named/ and all its contents.
DHCP Settings
To migrate the DHCP configuration:
1 Restore the DHCPconfig and Machinesconfig files.
2 In the Terminal application, type:
sudo niload -r /config/dhcp . < DHCPconfig
sudo niload -r /machines . < Machinesconfig
3 Open Server Admin and click DHCP to inspect the DHCP Subnets and Static Bindings to
make sure they are correct.
Chapter 6 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
User Data
Restore saved user data files.
Place home directories in locations that match the locations in the imported user
records. If necessary, you can use Workgroup Manager to edit user accounts so the
locations in the account and on disk are the same.
QuickTime Streaming Server Files and Folders
Follow instructions in the QuickTime Streaming Server administration guide to reuse
files and folders saved from /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/.
Step 8: Set up share points and privileges
Re-create the share points and privileges as required.
To create a share point and set privileges:
1 Open Workgroup Manager and click Sharing.
2 Click the All button and select the volume or folder you want to share.
3 Click General and select“Share this item and its contents.”
4 Click Access to set up access privileges.
5 Click Save.
New share points are automatically shared using AFP, SMB, and FTP, but not NFS.
To export a share point using NFS, use the Protocol pane. See the file services
administration guide for more information about setting up home directories.
Step 9: Test the new server
To test the new server:
1 Open Workgroup Manager and inspect user and group accounts.
2 Open Server Admin and inspect settings for services whose configuration data you
Chapter 6 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
Chapter 6 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 10.1
Migrating From Mac OS X Server
Version 1.2
Use the instructions in this chapter when you need to
migrate data from a version 1.2 server to a different computer
running version 10.4.
This chapter tells you what you can migrate, and then explains how.
Before You Begin
Before using the instructions in this chapter, perform initial setup of the version 10.4
server to which you’ll migrate data. See the getting started guide for instructions.
Understanding What You Can Migrate
The information in “Step-by-Step Instructions”on page 77 describes how to reuse the
following data with version 10.4:
 FTP configuration files
 WebObjects applications and frameworks
 User data, including home directories
 QuickTime Streaming Server files and directories
 User and group accounts
If you’re using any of the following, make a note of any settings you want to continue
to use, then see the document indicated for instructions on re-creating the settings
after using the instructions in this chapter.
To set up
See the
AFP and NFS services
File services administration guide
Network services: DHCP, DNS, or Network services administration guide
Web service
Web technologies administration guide
Tools You Can Use
Several utilities are available for use during migration:
 You use a command-line tool called Mac_OS_X_Server_1.2_Export_Toolto export
version 1.2 users and groups to an XML export file.
 You use Workgroup Manager in version 10.4 to import users and groups from the file.
 Workgroup Manager’s import facility and the dsimporttool also let you import other
kinds of data, such as computers and computer lists.
Instructions in the following sections explain when and how to use these utilities.
Chapter 7 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 1.2
Step-by-Step Instructions
To move data from a Mac OS X Server version 1.2 computer to a computer with
Mac OS X Server version 10.4 installed, follow the instructions in this section.
3 Note current share
1 Export user and
2 Create archive files of data
points and privileges.
group info.
and user export file.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
Read & Write
Tool >/partition/exportfile.xml
Read Only
4 Copy archive files
to new server.
9 Test the new server.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
Read & Write
Read Only
5 Set up home
8 Set up share points
and privileges.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
6 Import user
Read & Write
and other data.
Read Only
Workgroup Manager
or dsimport tool
7 Relocate data files
on new server.
Chapter 7 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 1.2
Step 1: Export user and group information
You use a command-line tool called Mac_OS_X_Server_1.2_Export_Toolto export user
and group information.
The tool is located on the version 10.4 server installation disc in
/Welcome to Mac OS X Server/Migration Tools/.
When you run the tool, you must save the exported information in a file with the
extension“.xml”on a partition or disk other than the server partition.
To export user and group information:
1 Insert the installation disc.
2 Log in using the root account.
3 Open the Terminal application.
4 Navigate to the Migration Tools folder by entering:
cd "/<disc-name>/Welcome to Mac OS X Server/Migration Tools/"
5 Run the tool and save the results in an XML file on a partition other than the server
partition. For example:
./Mac_OS_X_Server_1.2_Export_Tool > /MyPartition/MyExportFile.xml
You can limit the user and group accounts exported to a specific range. To do this, use
the -uand -gcommand-line arguments. For example, to export only user accounts
that have a user ID in the range of 100 to 199, and to export all groups, use the
following command:
./Mac_OS_X_Server_1.2_Export_Tool -u 100,199 > exported-ug.xml
To export all user accounts, but limit the exported groups to those that have a group ID
in the range of 200 to 500, use this command:
./Mac_OS_X_Server_1.2_Export_Tool -g 200,500 > exported-ug.xml
You can also use -u and -g options in the same command:
./Mac_OS_X_Server_1.2_Export_Tool -u 800,899 -g 100,199 >
The ID range must contain two numbers separated by a comma and must not contain
any spaces.
Note: The export tool remaps users in primary group 80 to primary group 20 for
6 Check the location where you saved the export file and make sure it’s there.
When you export users, encrypted passwords are exported. If you want to reset
passwords, you can do so using Workgroup Manager, as described in Step 6 on page
page 81.
Chapter 7 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 1.2
Step 2: Create archive files
Save all the data files that you want to reuse with Mac OS X Server version 10.4. In
Step 4 you’ll move the files described below, as well as the export file created in Step 1,
to the version 10.4 computer.
For large amounts of data, you may want to create one or more tar archives, using the
tarcommand in the Terminal application; tar archives can be transferred to the version
10.4 server using FTP. Note that tar doesn’t preserve resource forks on HFS+ volumes, so
it’s useful only for UFS volumes.
Use the -cflag of the tarcommand to indicate you want to create a new archive file in
tar format. Use the -fflag to identify the archive file name. Use the -v(verbose) flag to
view useful information as the command executes:
tar -cvf /MyHFSVolume/Stuff.tar /MyHFSVolume/My\ Stuff
The escape character (\ in the example above) indicates a space in the name. You can
also use quotation marks to handle embedded spaces:
tar -cvf /MyHFSVolume/Stuff.tar "/MyHFSVolume/My Stuff"
FTP Configuration Files
To migrate your FTP settings, save these configuration files:
In this directory
Save these files
WebObjects Applications and Frameworks
Save WebObjects applications and frameworks located in:
Save a copy of webobjects.conf for reference if you want to modify the new version of
apache.conf to reproduce your current settings.
User Data
Save any user data files you want to reuse, especially home directory folders.
Chapter 7 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 1.2
QuickTime Streaming Server Files and Folders
Save files and folders in /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/.
For more information about migrating QTSS, see the QuickTime Streaming Server
administration guide.
Step 3: Note current share points and privileges
If your version 1.2 server has share points and privileges you want to re-create on the
new server, make a note of them. Note which share points are for home directories.
Step 4: Copy archive files to the new server
Transfer the files you saved in Steps 1 and 2 to the version 10.4 server.
To transfer tar files using FTP:
1 Use Server Admin on the new server to start FTP service.
2 Set up sharing for a folder into which you’ll place files you transfer from the 1.2
3 On the version 1.2 server, use FTP service to copy the tar files to the version 10.4
4 Double-click a tar file to extract its contents.
Step 5: Set up the home directory infrastructure
Set up the destination for home directories you want to restore.
For detailed instructions on how to perform individual steps in the following
procedure, see the user management guide.
To prepare the server to store home directories:
1 Create the folder you want to serve as the home directory share point, if required. You
can use the predefined /Users folder, if you like.
2 Open Workgroup Manager on the server where you want the home directories to
3 Click Sharing to set up a share point for the home directories.
If the user accounts will reside in a shared Open Directory directory, create a
dynamically automounted NFS share point for the home directories. Make sure the
share point is published in the directory where the user accounts that depend on it will
4 In Workgroup Manager on the computer from which you’ll import users, click Accounts
then open the directory into which you’ll import users.
5 Optionally, define a preset that sets up default home directory settings for users.
You can also use the preset to specify other default settings you want imported users
to inherit, such as password validation settings, mail settings, and so forth.
Chapter 7 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 1.2
Step 6: Import users and groups and other data
You can use Workgroup Manager or the dsimporttool to import users and groups and
other data:
 See the user management guide for details about importing by using Workgroup
users originally created with Mac OS X Server version 10.1.5 or earlier.
 See the command-line administration guide for dsimportinstructions and a
description of Workgroup Manager export format.
To import users and groups using Workgroup Manager:
1 Place the export file(s) you created in Step 1 in a location accessible from your server.
2 If you want imported users to have passwords validated using Open Directory
authentication, you can set that up in the preset you defined in Step 5 above. Enable
the password option that forces users to change their passwords the next time they
log in.
You can also change password settings using Workgroup Manager after you’ve finished
importing users.
3 In Workgroup Manager, click the Accounts button.
4 Click the globe icon in the toolbar to open the directory into which you want to import
5 Click the lock to authenticate as domain administrator.
6 Choose Server > Import, select the import file, and specify import options.
If you’re using a preset, make sure you identify the preset.
7 Click Import.
8 If you want groups to use new version 10.4 features such as nesting and stricter
membership checking, upgrade groups using Workgroup Manager.
In Workgroup Manager, open the directory containing the groups. Select one or more
of the groups and click“Upgrade legacy group.”Click Save.
9 To create home directories for imported users, you have several options.
Create home directories one at a time by selecting a user account in Workgroup
Manager, clicking Home, then clicking Create Home Now.
Create all the home directories by using the -aargument of the createhomedir
command. For details, see the command-line administration guide or the man page for
A home directory associated with an AFP share point is automatically created the first
time a user logs in, if it doesn’t exist already.
Chapter 7 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 1.2
Step 7: Relocate saved data files
Place the files you saved from your version 1.2 server on the version 10.4 server.
FTP Configuration Files
Copy saved FTP configuration files to:
WebObjects Applications and Frameworks
To migrate WebObjects:
1 Copy saved applications and frameworks to:
2 Add the following line to the new httpd.conf file:
Include /System/Library/WebObjects/Adaptors/Apache/apache.conf
3 Earlier versions of WebObjects stored Apache-specific information in the file
webobjects.conf, located in /System/Library/WebObjects/Adaptors/Apache/. If
necessary to restore your settings, copy information out of this file into apache.conf.
4 Since server version 10.4 requires Webobjects 5, you’ll need to update the source code
of your applications to use Java instead of Objective-C. See the Java Converter
documentation on the WebObjects 5 Developer disc for more information.
Note: JavaMonitor and wotaskd (WebObjects Task Daemon) services are now managed
by launchd and can be accessed through the Server Admin application. If the server
you’re migrating from has the startup item /System/Library/StartupItems/WebObjects,
you don’t need to copy it to the new server. It’s disabled by default and isn’t necessary
for autostarting WebObjects services with Mac OS X Server v10.4. See the web
technologies administration guide for more information.
User Data
Restore saved user data files, including home directories.
Place home directories in locations that match the locations in the imported user
records. If necessary, you can use Workgroup Manager to edit user accounts so the
locations in the account and on disk are the same.
Chapter 7 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 1.2
QuickTime Streaming Server Files and Folders
Follow instructions in the QuickTime Streaming Server administration guide to reuse
files and folders saved from /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/.
Step 8: Set up share points and privileges
Re-create the share points and privileges as required.
To create a share point and set privileges:
1 Open Workgroup Manager and click Sharing.
2 Click the All button and select the volume or folder you want to share.
3 Click General and select“Share this item and its contents.”
4 Click Access to set up access privileges.
5 Click Save.
New share points are automatically shared using AFP, SMB, and FTP, but not NFS. To
export a share point using NFS, use the Protocol pane. See the file services
administration guide for more information about setting up share points.
Step 9: Test the new server
To test the new server:
1 Open Workgroup Manager and inspect user and group accounts.
2 Open Server Admin and inspect settings for services whose configuration data you
Chapter 7 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 1.2
Chapter 7 Migrating From Mac OS X Server Version 1.2
Migrating From AppleShare IP
Use this chapter when you need to migrate data from an
AppleShare IP (ASIP) 6.3.3 server to a different computer
running version 10.4.
This chapter tells you what you can migrate, and then explains how.
Before You Begin
Before using the instructions in this chapter, perform initial setup of the version 10.4
server to which you’ll migrate data. See the getting started guide for instructions.
Understanding What You Can Migrate
The information in “Step-by-Step Instructions”on page 87 describes how to reuse the
following data with version 10.4:
 Web content
 Mail database
 User data, including home directories
 User and group accounts
If you’re using either of the following, make a note of any settings you want to continue
to use, then see the document indicated for instructions on re-creating the settings
after using the instructions in this chapter.
To set up
See the
AFP service
File services administration guide
Windows services administration guide
Windows services
Tools You Can Use
Several utilities are available for use during migration:
 The AppleShare IP Migration utility can import users and groups into the local server
 If you want to import users into a shared directory, create an XML export file using
Web & File Admin in ASIP 6.2 or Mac OS Server Admin in ASIP 6.3. Import the file
using Workgroup Manager or the dsimporttool in version 10.4.
Workgroup Manager’s import facility and the dsimporttool also let you import other
kinds of data, such as computers and computer lists.
 The AppleShare IP Migration utility can be used to migrate the mail database to
Mac OS X Server version 10.2. From the version 10.4 server, you can use Server Admin
to import the version 10.2 database.
Instructions in the following sections explain when and how to use these utilities.
Chapter 8 Migrating From AppleShare IP
Step-by-Step Instructions
To move data from an ASIP 6.2 or 6.3 computer to a computer with Mac OS X Server
version 10.4 installed, follow the instructions in this section.
1 Create Internet aliases
2 Note current share
3 Export user and
for users.
point and privileges.
group info.
Macintosh HD
Shared Folders
Read & Write
Read & Write
mei chen
Read Only
4 Mount ASIP server on
Mac OS X Server.
11 Migrate mail.
10 Test the new server.
5 Set up home
9 Set up share points
and privileges.
6 Copy Users & Groups.
Shared Folders
Read & Write
Read & Write
Read Only
AppleShare IP Migration
Users & Groups
Create local home directories
Share points & privileges
Mail database
For duplicate user names:
Do not migrate the AppleShare user
Migrate the AppleShare user's privileges
and mail to the Mac OS X Server user
8 Copy data files to
Import user
7 Run the AppleShare IP
the new server.
and other data.
Migration utility.
Chapter 8 Migrating From AppleShare IP
If you have a primary ASIP server and one or more secondary ASIP servers and you
want to migrate all of them to version 10.4, synchronize all secondary servers with the
primary server before starting migration. Migrate the primary server, then migrate the
secondary servers. When migrating secondary servers, you can’t use the AppleShare IP
Migration utility.
Step 1: Provide Internet Aliases (if necessary)
The AppleShare IP Migration utility uses the Internet alias in the ASIP user account to
create the required short name for the version 10.4 user account. If no Internet alias
exists, the migration utility generates one.
If you’ll be using the AppleShare IP Migration utility, create an Internet alias for any ASIP
user account that doesn’t have one. To do this, use Mac OS Server Admin (in ASIP 6.3)
or Web & File Admin (in ASIP 6.2).
If you’re planning to migrate both primary and secondary ASIP servers, provide the
Internet aliases on the primary server, then synchronize the secondary servers with the
primary server.
Step 2: Note current share points and privileges
If your version ASIP server has share points and privileges you want to re-create on the
new server, make a note of them. Note which share points are for home directories.
Remember that a folder can’t be owned by a group in Mac OS X Server.
Step 3: Export user and group information (if necessary)
an XML file of user and group accounts. Create the file using Web & File Admin in ASIP
6.2 or Mac OS Server Admin in ASIP 6.3.
Note: The AppleShare IP Migration utility lets you migrate passwords. When you import
an XML file, you need to reset passwords using Workgroup Manager, as described in
Step 7 on page 90.
To export user information from ASIP 6.3:
1 Open Mac OS Server Admin and log in to the server you want to administer. If you have
secondary servers, use the primary server to export information.
If you’re exporting over 1000 users, increase the memory allocated to Mac OS Server
2 Click Users & Groups and choose Show Users & Groups List.
3 Select the users or groups in the list that you want to export. If you select a group, the
individual users in the group are exported. Guest attributes can’t be exported.
4 Click Users & Groups and choose Export Selected Items.
5 Save the exported file on the ASIP server.
Chapter 8 Migrating From AppleShare IP
Step 4: Mount the ASIP server on Mac OS X Server
To mount the ASIP server:
1 On the ASIP server, disconnect all users and administrators and shut down the mail
2 On Mac OS X Server, log in using the root user account, and then turn off all services
using Server Admin.
3 Choose Go > Connect to Server.
4 Enter the IP address or DNS name of the ASIP server, then click Connect.
5 Log in to the ASIP server as an administrator, then mount the startup volume for the
ASIP server.
Step 5: Set up the home directory infrastructure
Set up the destination for home directories you want to restore.
For detailed instructions on how to perform individual steps in the following
procedure, see the user management guide.
To prepare the server to store home directories:
1 Create the folder you want to serve as the home directory share point, if required. You
can use the predefined /Users folder, if you like.
2 Open Workgroup Manager on the server where you want the home directories to
3 Click Sharing to set up a share point for the home directories.
If the user accounts will reside in a shared Open Directory directory, create a
dynamically automounted AFP or NFS share point for the home directories. Make sure
the share point is published in the directory where the user accounts that depend on it
will reside.
4 If you’ll import user and group accounts from an XML file using Workgroup Manager,
optionally set up a preset. When you import users, you identify the preset, and the
users inherit settings associated with the preset.
In Workgroup Manager on the computer from which you’ll import users, click Accounts,
then open the directory into which you’ll import users.
Define the preset. You can specify default home directory settings for users, password
validation settings, mail settings, and so forth.
Chapter 8 Migrating From AppleShare IP
Step 6: Copy the Users & Groups Data File
To copy this file:
1 Navigate to the Users & Groups Data File on the remote ASIP server. Its default location
is the Preferences folder in the System Folder.
2 Make a copy of the Users & Groups Data File.
3 From the version 10.4 server, move the copy of the Users & Groups Data File to a local
partition on the version 10.4 server.
Step 7: Run the AppleShare IP Migration utility or use Workgroup Manager to
import users and groups and other data
You can use Workgroup Manager or the dsimporttool to import users and groups and
other data into any directory:
 See the user management guide for instructions about importing by using
Workgroup Manager.
 See the command-line administration guide for dsimportinstructions and a
description of Workgroup Manager export format.
The AppleShare IP Migration utility imports users only into the local directory.
To use the AppleShare IP Migration utility:
1 Open the AppleShare IP Migration utility. It’s located in /Applications/Server/.
2 Click the lock in the lower-left corner to authenticate as an administrator.
3 Specify migration options.
Note: You can’t migrate share points and privileges.
Select Users & Groups, then select the option that creates local home directories for the
users you’re migrating. The users are migrated to the local directory on the server
where you’re running the migration utility.
The migration utility checks to see whether a duplicate user exists in a parent domain
on a different computer. To set what happens when a duplicate user name occurs,
select an option:
 Don’t migrate the AppleShare user: The ASIP data is reassigned to the
administrator. (Choose this option if you’re migrating a primary server.)
 Migrate the AppleShare user’s privileges and mail: The ASIP data is assigned to the
existing user in the parent domain. (Choose this option if you’re migrating a
secondary server.)
Note: If a duplicate group exists in a parent domain on another computer, the
membership of this group isn’t updated.
4 Click Migrate.
5 Locate the file Users & Groups Data File and click Choose. (The default location is the
Preferences folder in the System Folder.)
Chapter 8 Migrating From AppleShare IP
6 During migration, the utility displays a progress bar and status information. When
migration is complete, click Quit.
7 Examine the log files, which are located in /Library/Logs/Migration/:
 UserGroupsActions.log: Steps taken during user and group migration.
 UserGroupsExceptions.log: Steps taken or not taken during user and group
migration that may require additional administrative attention. For example, the log
records duplicate users detected and the assignment of data to the administrator or
to an existing user.
 PrivilegesActions.log: Steps taken during privileges migration.
 PrivilegesExceptions.log: Steps taken or not taken during privileges migration that
may require additional administrative attention.
8 In Workgroup Manager, change home directory settings from local to network for all
migrated users.
9 Using Workgroup Manager, examine a sample of users and groups to see if the settings
were migrated correctly.
To import users and groups using Workgroup Manager:
1 In Workgroup Manager, click the Accounts button.
2 Click the globe icon in the toolbar to open the directory into which you want to import
3 Click the lock to authenticate as domain administrator.
4 Choose Server > Import, select the export file you created on the ASIP server in Step 3
on page 88, and specify import options.
If you’re using a preset, make sure you identify the preset. If you want imported users
to have passwords validated using Open Directory authentication, you can set it up in
the preset. Enable the password option that forces users to change their passwords the
next time they log in.
You can also change password settings using Workgroup Manager after you’ve finished
importing users.
5 Click Import.
You can also use the dsimporttool to import users and groups. See the command-line
administration guide for dsimportinstructions.
6 If you want groups to use new version 10.4 features such as nesting and stricter
membership checking, upgrade groups using Workgroup Manager.
In Workgroup Manager, open the directory containing the groups. Select one or more
of the groups and click“Upgrade legacy group.”Click Save.
Chapter 8 Migrating From AppleShare IP
7 To create home directories for imported users, you have several options:
Create home directories one at a time by selecting a user account in Workgroup
Manager, clicking Home, then clicking Create Home Now.
Create all the home directories by using the -aargument of the createhomedir
command. For details, see the command-line administration guide or the man page for
A home directory associated with an AFP share point is automatically created the first
time a user logs in, if it doesn’t exist already.
Step 8: Copy data to the new server
Copy data you want to reuse from the remote ASIP server to Mac OS X Server.
Web Content
Copy static webpages to /Library/WebServer/Documents/.
For dynamic content, consider recoding your existing CGIs using the native Mac OS X
Server web server capabilities. You can also run AFIP CGIs based on AppleScript, and it’s
no longer necessary to have the Classic environment available to run them; run the
ACGI Enabler (in /Applications/Utilities/) to set up Apache support for these legacy
User Data
Place home directories in locations that match the locations in the imported user
records. If necessary, you can use Workgroup Manager to edit user accounts so the
locations in the account and on disk are the same.
Step 9: Set up share points and privileges
Re-create the share points and privileges as required.
To create a share point and set privileges:
1 Open Workgroup Manager and click Sharing.
2 Click the All button and select the volume or folder you want to share.
3 Click General and select“Share this item and its contents.”
4 Click Access to set up access privileges.
5 Click Save.
New share points are automatically shared using AFP and SMB, but not NFS. To export
a share point using NFS, use the Protocol pane. See the file services administration
guide for more information about setting up share points.
Chapter 8 Migrating From AppleShare IP
Step 10: Test the new server
To test the new server:
1 Open Workgroup Manager and inspect user and group accounts.
2 Open Server Admin and inspect settings for services whose configuration data you
Step 11: Migrate mail
If you want to migrate mail, use one of these techniques:
 Have users copy mail they want to save from the ASIP server to Mac OS X Server.
 Migrate the mail database to Mac OS X version 10.2, then migrate it to the version
10.4 server.
To have users copy mail:
1 Follow the instructions in the mail administration guide for setting up version 10.4 mail
service that supports the IMAP protocol.
2 Create user mail accounts.
3 Have ASIP mail users configure their mail clients to use Mac OS X Server’s mail service.
4 With the ASIP mail server running, have the mail users copy the mail they want to keep
from the ASIP server to Mac OS X Server using the IMAP protocol.
To migrate the ASIP mail database:
1 Install Mac OS X Server version 10.2 on a computer that meets the system requirements
in Getting Started With Mac OS X Server for version 10.2. Follow the instructions in the
getting started guide to install server software and perform initial server setup.
2 On the ASIP server, disconnect all users and administrators and shut down the mail
3 On the version 10.2 server, log in as an administrator and turn off all services using
Server Settings.
4 Connect to the ASIP server from the version 10.2 server, logging in as an administrator.
5 Mount the startup volume for the ASIP server.
6 Navigate to the AppleShare IP Mail 6.0 Data file and copy it to a local partition on the
version 10.2 server.
7 Open the AppleShare IP Migration utility on the version 10.2 server. It’s located in
/Applications/Utilities/. Then click the lock in the lower-left corner to authenticate as an
8 Select the option that migrates the mail database, then click Migrate.
9 Locate the file Users & Groups Data File and click Choose. (The default location is the
Preferences folder in the System Folder.)
10 Locate the file AppleShare IP Mail 6.0 Data and click Choose.
Chapter 8 Migrating From AppleShare IP
11 During migration, the utility displays a progress bar and status information. When
migration is complete, click Quit.
12 Examine the log files for mail migration, which are located in /Library/Logs/Migration/:
 MailActions.log: Steps taken during mail migration.
 MailExceptions.log: Steps taken or not taken during mail migration that may require
additional administrative attention.
13 Move the mail database from the version 10.2 server to the version 10.4 server. It’s
default location is /Library/AppleMailServer/. Perform remaining steps on the version
10.4 server.
14 Open Server Admin, then click Mail. If it isn’t grayed out, click Stop Service.
15 Click Maintenance, then click Migration.
16 If you placed the database in the default location (/Library/AppleMailServer/), its name
and contents are displayed. Otherwise, click Select to browse for and identify the
17 Make sure there is free space on the destination disk equal to the size of the mail
18 You can migrate a single user or all users.
To migrate mail for only one user, select the user and click Migrate User. To migrate the
entire database, click Migrate All.
Chapter 8 Migrating From AppleShare IP
/Library/Logs/Migration/MailActions.log 94
/Library/Logs/Migration/UserGroupsActions.log 91
migrating from version 10.1 69
migrating from version 10.2 56
upgrading version 10.2.8 29
/Library/Logs/slapconfig.log 22
running AppleShare IP Migration utility 90
setting up home directory infrastructure 89
tools you can use 86
restoring user data 73
restoring web configuration data 69
restoring web contents 69
restoring webmail data 70
restoring WebObjects applications and
frameworks 71
using Workgroup Manager to import users,
groups, and other data 90
what you can migrate 85
migrating from version 1.2
creating archive files 79
saving DHCP settings 66
exporting users and groups 78
saving the AFP configuration 65
saving WebObjects applications and
restoring the mail database 56
saving QTSS files 53
saving user data 38
saving share points 53
saving VPN settings 38
saving the AFP configuration 52
saving the mail database 51
saving Tomcat data 52
saving web configuration data 36
saving web content 36
saving webmail data 37
saving user data 53
saving web configuration data 51
saving WebObjects applications and
frameworks 37
setting up home directory infrastructure 39
step-by-step instructions 34
testing the new server 46
migrating versus upgrading 5
predefined accounts
definition of 11
user accounts 12
upgrading version 10.3 22
step-by-step instructions 16
using Macintosh Manager 22
server administration guides 7
system accounts 11
upgrading versus migrating 5
users and groups
predefined (system) accounts 11
saving and reusing 11
upgrading version 10.2
changing /etc/httpd/ 29
using Macintosh Manager 29
upgrading version 10.2.8
adjustments after initial server setup 27
local server setup 24
Windows NT 11
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